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There are more graves in the Kasta mound

19 December 2014 / 16:12:20  GRReporter
3042 reads

It seems the tomb in Amphipolis is hiding more surprises as new evidence has come to light. However, many rumours have been spread that the Ministry of Culture considers untenable. According to the online edition, the "scanning" of the Kasta mound has revealed new information on what hides inside it as well as information about the "identity" of the discovered skeletal material in terms of the age and sex of the deceased. The geophysical survey has been carried out by Professor Grigoris Tsokas, director of the Laboratory of Applied Geophysics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and his team.

A geophysical survey has found indications that there are other rooms in the tomb in addition to the funeral complex discovered by archaeologist Katerina Peristeri.

The experts already have the first data from the survey. With it and through special analyses, the specialists can draw a map of the possible archaeological remains that are in the subsoil. Archaeologists will study places localized in the Kasta mound to choose where to carry out new excavations to discover new finds.

At the same time, the Greek scientists have already been assigned the task of conducting an anthropological study of the bones discovered in the sarcophagus in the fourth room of the tomb. The experts will provide information on the sex and age of the buried dead, although it is strange why it has not yet become clear whether the bones belong to a man or a woman. The official explanation concerning the establishment of the sex is that although the larger part of the skeletal material has been discovered, the pelvis, which could provide data for the immediate determination of the sex, is fragmented.

Nevertheless, the first results of the geophysical survey reveal data on the possible presence of anthropogenic structures in the Kasta mound, identifying points of archaeological interest.

The team’s assumption that the archaeological excavations of the tomb in Amphipolis have more things to bring to the surface seems to be confirmed. Furthermore, they emphasize that it is a burial complex and the presence of other facilities is quite probable.

Having gained considerable experience in geoelectric tomography, one of the most advanced techniques for geophysical research, Professor Tsokas and his team have provided valuable information to archaeologists, so that they will not complete the next stage of the excavation works in a haphazard manner.

An analysis of the specific signals will determine the boundaries of the anthropogenic structures, which are believed to exist in the Kasta mound. The results of the currently available data from the archaeological excavations will be of use to archaeologist Katerina Peristeri and architect Michalis Lefantzis for further excavations. Their next steps will be determined to some extent by the "scanning" of the hill, which will examine what else lies inside.


In the meantime the assumptions associated with the skeleton discovered in Amphipolis are increasing. The online edition informs that it belongs to a woman who died at the age of 54. The edition that has published the unconfirmed information adds, "The age, in combination with the fact that the skeleton has been discovered with a broken pelvis, confirms the assumption that Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great, was buried in the tomb. She was stoned in Pidna on the orders of Cassander in 316 BC."

However, as stated by representatives of the Ministry of Culture to Ethnos newspaper, the study of the discovered skeleton is just beginning, and the presence of similar data is therefore impossible.

In general, a lot of the rumours that have been recently circulated are not based on any scientific evidence, and are nourished by assumptions of editors of electronic media and bloggers alone.

Tags: Kasta moundTombAmphipolisNew findingsArchaeological excavations
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