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Super foods for less than one euro? Yes, they exist!

10 March 2013 / 16:03:09  GRReporter
4191 reads

Salaries and pensions are steadily declining, unemployment is rising and our financial resources are depleted. The spirit of economies entered our lives permanently.

Nowadays even one euro is worth a lot. Have you ever wondered how many things you can do with 1 euro? Some will say that it is not enough for anything, even for a packet of chewing gum. Fortunately, we have enough examples to disprove this.

This is not just a bottle of water or a loaf of bread. There are foods that are good for the body and the price of which is low, but their nutritional value is high, i.e. the perfect combination. It is certain that with one euro we cannot fill the "consumer basket", but we can charge our bodies with energy and nutrients from a healthy portion of food that is also inexpensive.


Low-fat, full of protein - legumes contain dozens nutrients such as calcium, potassium and magnesium, most of them are an important source of antioxidants, iron and phosphorus. Legumes may be your main dish or a side dish, salads or anything else. Their great advantage, besides their nutritional value, is their low price - a portion of legumes depending on your preference (beans, lentils, chickpeas) is quite cheap, especially if you buy them in bulk.

Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Healthy, environmental and economical, seasonal fruits and vegetables are the perfect choice to give your body energy and save money. For example, in the winter it is not necessary to buy expensive tomatoes. There are many alternative solutions - such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower. The same goes for fruits. Choose seasonal fruits and spend your money in the best possible way. Our body will benefit from plant fibres, vitamins, folic acid, metals, and our pocket will save a few euros. In addition to low prices, fruits have another advantage - because of their high water content and fibres they satiate for a longer period. Therefore, we eat less and save money.


Eggs are delicious and have a rich taste and high nutritional value. Storing them is easy and there are a lot of ways in which we can prepare them. They are a rich source of proteins with a high nutritional value, vitamins and trace elements, as well as antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin which are necessary for good eye health and vision improvement. Their great nutritional value and low price are the perfect combination.


Fried, baked, boiled – no matter how you prefer them potatoes are used throughout the year as a main dish or a side dish. They have a special taste and high nutritional value, as well as a low price. They are rich in potassium, vitamin C, fibres and carbohydrates; they also contain magnesium and starch. You can buy them from the market or supermarket for less than 1 euro. Anyway, be careful how often you eat them fried, since this can have negative effects on your body and not just in terms of your weight.

Bakery products and pasta

Easy, delicious, nutritious and cheap bakery products and pasta are a good choice for a quick and inexpensive meal. Prefer wholegrain bakery products since they have a great nutritional value and are very good for your health. More economical solutions include bulgur and rice. Besides giving us energy and nutrients (vitamins and trace elements), starchy foods (potatoes, bread, rice, pasta) have a relatively low price.

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate improves blood circulation through the arteries and prevents the formation of harmful clots. It is rich in antioxidants, mainly polyphenols. It also acts as an antidepressant because it contains necessary amino acids such as tyrosine, which is associated with good mood. And it costs less than 1 euro (a small chocolate bar or several pieces).


Greek nature is rich in herbs that can spice your meals or drink them as infusions. Besides their exceptional flavour, herbs have a lot of nutrients that help us protect our health and cope with illness. Their price is low on the market, but you can grow them yourself in a small garden or on the balcony. Everybody can easily have a pot of basil, thyme, mint or rosemary. Otherwise, we can just take a walk outside and have a good stock of fresh herbs.

Tags: food legumes eggs potatoes dark chocolate herbs fruits and vegetables high nutritional value
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