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Street stories: Alison who built on her own the wonderland

11 April 2010 / 10:04:25  GRReporter
6189 reads

(Unfortunately this is also true for all the rest of the retailers who are passing trough their won hell in the regional tax offices who wish to provide true functioning of the exhibition. The cases when a common procedure as the changing of the place of usage of the cash register depends on the mood of the public employee behind the counter in the specific moment are not rare. In the context of this genuine Greek reality we can definitely describe Alise as the modern type of crusader on a campaigner for a better and artistic world in the jungle of the administrative chaos of the Greek country – B.A.)

Who has a place on The Meet Market:

“Everybody who wishes to. Artists, craftsmen and retailers, who are legally registered according to the Trade law. Everybody who is not registered is also welcome. By law the artists have the right to sell their own works until a certain amount without being registered as a trader. We have a legal system in which we purchase their works at prices specified by them and we sell them on their behalf after including a VAT tax in the price which we have to pay.”

The future for the young Alison seems to be promising. The energy and passion which radiate from her are infectious. GRReporter recommends to each visitor or resident of Athens to check out the monthly Meet Market and if they have the opportunity to visit it. You will enjoy it!

Tags: SocietyPeopleInterview
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