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Steve Jobs’ yacht berthed at the island of Samos

28 July 2015 / 14:07:09  GRReporter
7146 reads

Legendary Venus yacht built for billionaire and Apple founder Steve Jobs berthed near Klima Beach on Samos on Saturday morning.

The yacht is 79 m long, costs 100 million euro, was designed in 2012, and now belongs to the billionaire’s widow Laurene Powell Jobs. The businessman himself was unable to see it finished, as he passed away a few months before receiving it.

The boat hull is made entirely of aluminium and the interior is the work of renowned designer and architect Philippe Starck.

According to, after Samos, Venus continued its trip to Kusadasi, Ayvalik and Istanbul.

Steve Jobs with his wife

The futuristic vessel made of aluminium and steel, with a fine and clean design reminiscent of Apple, has 6 bedrooms and an automated system that allows passengers to communicate with each other even if one is on deck and the other on stern, without shouting at that.

As explained by Philippe Starck in an interview with Vanity Fair, silence was gold for Steve Jobs. "He was obsessed with silence. In his home, children did not make noise, nor the dog, nor his wife, no one made any noise, ever," says the famous designer.

Tags: YachtVenusSteve JobsSamosAppleBillionaireWidowDesigner Philippe Starck
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