Picture: www.clickatlife.gr
It is no secret that when someone stops smoking he or she gains good health. However, some bad habits may accompany this advantage. The ten reasons we suggest, other than the already well-known harms of smoking, may prompt you to stop.
Less fear
Although most smokers claim that cigarettes are an antidepressant, this is not true. A recently published British study shows that people who have stopped smoking experienced significantly reduced levels of stress, while those who still smoke, experienced a gradual increase thereof.
Your mouth will be... grateful
If you stop smoking, this will significantly reduce the risk of incidence of diseases not only of the oral cavity, such as gingivitis, but more serious ones, too, such as cancer of the oral cavity, according to a study by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Lifetime incidence of mouth diseases in smokers is 1.5-fold higher compared to non-smokers.

A better love life
In 2008, a study showed that nicotine may affect smokers' sexual lives. Men who stopped smoking had a 5-fold increase in their sexual appetite levels.
Help your skin
If you want young, soft and smooth skin, stop smoking. Cigarettes affect skin tone, increase sagging and cause wrinkles around the lips. Since it is never too late, studies have shown that skin shows the first signs of improvement just a month and a half after quitting smoking.
Protect your hair
If your thick and shiny hair is your fetish, you'd better stop smoking, especially if you are a man. Scientists claim that smoking increases the risk of baldness. A study from 2011 shows that the main factors in hair loss include heredity, stress and smoking.
A good mood
Quitting smoking will improve your mood, according to a study by Brown University. Scientists found that smokers who participated in the programme had never been as happy as during the period when they did not smoke, although some of them started smoking again. The most typical and somewhat tragic cases are of people who stopped smoking just temporarily. Their mood (while having stopped smoking) was significantly better, and when they started smoking again, their mood worsened and sometimes sadness levels were much higher than those experienced before quitting for the first time.

More ... birthdays
Quitting smoking can help women live a decade longer, according to a study from 2012. Scientists found that the risk of premature death increased in women who smoke, and those who smoke only 9 cigarettes per day double the likelihood of premature death compared to non-smokers. Oxford Professor Sir Richard Peto argues that "if someone decides to stop smoking before reaching middle age, then they can live 10 years longer."
Enjoy food
Studies have shown that smoking significantly affects the taste buds, often changing the taste of food. If you want to really enjoy the taste of each bite, the time to quit smoking has probably come.

Fewer colds
Some smokers may develop serious symptoms of a common cold, according to a study by scientists from Yale University. The findings showed that, in this case, the immune system's reaction is very strong and smokers have an over-reaction to minor colds and cannot fight viruses, increasing the time of the disease.
Increased chances of getting pregnant
If you are trying to get pregnant, quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do. A recent study showed that after quitting the likelihood of conceiving in smokers decreased by 60%. Furthermore, smoking often causes miscarriages.
Profits ... in your pocket
And if all the above listed reasons are not enough for you, then think of the fact that when you stop smoking you will save money. An increase in funds will certainly convince you.