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Singing will make people better, healthier and happier

19 November 2014 / 15:11:34  GRReporter
4324 reads

"Vasil Arnaoudov" Sofia Chamber Choir has been spreading the song and musical glory of Bulgaria throughout the world for almost 50 years now. It was founded back in 1966 by a group of singers from another famous Bulgarian choir called "Bodra Smyana." Conducted by Prof. Arnaoudov, Sofia Chamber Choir has won dozens of awards at international competitions, recorded several LPs and performed hundreds of premieres of new choral works by Bulgarian composers, the majority of them having been composed especially for it. After Prof. Vasil Arnaoudov died in 1991, Prof. Theodora Pavlovich, whose life has been associated with choral singing from early childhood, took the baton.
     Sofia Chamber Choir has recently visited Athens and Simona Peneva is talking with Prof. Theodora Pavlovich.
      You travel a lot and perform in concerts abroad. What does the Bulgarian audience give you?
      Sofia Chamber Choir performs in concerts in almost all European countries, and I myself conduct concerts of various choirs not only in Europe but also in many countries in Asia, the US, Israel and more. The Bulgarian audience loves us but we have serious "fans" in many other countries as well, for example Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, and already in Greece, after our successful participation in several international festivals in recent years.
     How often do you tour in Greece?
     My first tour in Greece was back in 1978. I was a very young singer in the same Sofia Chamber Choir, which I conduct at present and the tour was precisely in Athens! Therefore, I am very happy to be again on stage in Athens, but as a conductor. The choir is constantly becoming younger, due to the young singers naturally, both my students and other girls with experience in choral art. We performed at various festivals here when Prof. Arnaoudov conducted the choir and this is my fifth visit here as a conductor. We had great success twice on the island of Corfu in 2007 and 2011, twice in the beautiful hall of Aristotle University in 2005 and in April this year, but it was a great pleasure for us to sing for the audience of Athens!
     What usually impresses you in Athens the most?
     Athens is wonderful for its history but also for its modern dynamic spirit and I am glad to have the opportunity to be here again, even if only for two days. It will be a great pleasure to come back to visit some of my most favourite places again, namely the Acropolis, the Museum of Byzantine and Christian Art, the National Archaeological Museum and many more places that I am unable to visit this time. Did I mention that my favourite reading as a child was the book "Ancient Greek Legends and Myths?" I knew all the myths and stories by heart. And Athens is a sacred place for me!
     What did you perform to the audience in Athens?
     We performed two concerts, the first being of Bulgarian music alone. It took place in the presence of the mayor of Kifissia, politicians and Her Excellency, Mrs. Emilia Kraleva - Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria to Greece, and it was a great success. Our second festival performance featured modern and very popular European and American music by Andrew Lloyd Webber, Leonard Bernstein and other composers.

Tags: Sofia Chamber ChoirProf. Theodora PavlovichConductorProf.Vasil ArnaoudovTour in AthensConcerts abroad
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