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A second man with a heart disease died from swine flu

04 September 2009 / 15:09:04  GRReporter
2288 reads


Second man with heart problems died from swine flu in Greece. He was 25 years old Albanian and he had e severe valvular heart disease. He was admitted in the ER of Evangelismos hospital with a bronchopneumonia, which led to severe breathing problems, which were the reason for his death. The doctors fought for hours to normalize the functions of his organs, which blocked as a result of the hard breathing.

The Greek Ministry of Health confirmed the second death case in Greece as a result of the H1N1 virus. As GRReporter had already informed you a young man with a severe heart disease died two days ago in the cardiologic hospital "Onassis," just few hours after his tests for swine flu came out positive. The swine flu cases in Greece have exceeded 2000 but the health authorities believe that the actual number is much bigger. According to the Ministry of Health only a small number of flu infected people, go and get tested for the new virus.

The authorities are urging people to be careful but not to panic, because all citizens can get vaccinated against the new flu. They stress that the infection is still not an epidemic, which is expected to happen after October. The infection has actually lowered during the last weeks of August.

Today the Athens mayor Nikitas Kaklamanis started an informative marathon about the new flu, which is designed for employees of all public kindergartens. According to the mayor the kindergartens will be the first test for Greece of whether it is ready to deal with the upcoming pandemic.


Tags: NewsHealth H1N1 virus Swine flu Vaccine Flu
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