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Salaries in Greek ministries

18 October 2013 / 13:10:31  GRReporter
7165 reads

12 out of 18 ministries in Greece have sent to the parliament the data on the salaries of their employees, following the request of a deputy of New Democracy, who had asked the ministries to provide information on the average salary of each category of their staff and in the state enterprises operating under the control of each ministry.

The Ministries of Finance, Health, Culture and Sports have not submitted the requested data whereas others have preferred to send the total amount of salaries instead of the amount of the average monthly salary. One of them is the Ministry of Justice which has not announced the salaries received by 3,737 judges and magistrates. The Ministry of Public Order and Citizen Protection has submitted general data as well.

Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks

The average salary of employees with higher education in the central structure of the department is 2,345.23 euro. The employees with college degrees are earning an average of 1,964.25 euro, the employees with secondary education 1,557.84 euro and the employees with primary education are being paid 1,383.64 euro. The average salary of employees with special skills is 2,928.06 euro.

However, the situation in the enterprises and organizations controlled by the Ministry is quite different.

Organization for the Development of Crete:

The employees with higher education are earning 2,734.92 euro, with college education 2,480.07 euro, secondary education 1,927.00 euro and with primary education 1,522.00 euro.

Construction company Themis S.A.:

The employees with higher education are earning 2,394.46 euro, with college education 1,906.12 euro, secondary education 1,619.88 euro and with primary education 1,416.49 euro.

School Buildings Organization S.A.:

The employees with higher education are earning 2,540.54 euro, with college education 2,498.85 euro, secondary education 1,756.78 euro and with primary education 1,454 euro.

Public Corporation for the Construction of Hospital Units DEPANOM S.A.:

The employees with higher education are earning 3,082.95 euro, with college education 2,133.75 euro and with secondary education 2,391.00 euro.

Athens Underground:

The employees with higher education are earning 2,816.89 euro, with college education 2,102.32 euro, secondary education 1,793.16 euro and with primary education 1,587.62 euro.

Egnatia Odos S.A.:

The employees with higher education are earning 2,563.07 euro, with college education 1,644.85 euro, secondary education 1,485.22 euro and with primary education 1,453.61euro.

The average salary in some of the enterprises controlled by the Ministry is formed so that an employee with higher education in the construction department of the state railways OSE – ERGOSE receives a monthly salary of 2,240.72 euro. In GEOSE, however, the same employee is earning 1,938.00 euro, in the Public Transport Management Company 1,347.17 euro, in the public transport in Athens (trolley buses, trams and electric train) 2,639.18 euro, in the bus transport 1,364.32 euro and 1,772.00 euro in the passenger railways TRENOSE.
At the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change the salaries of employees with the same education level in various subordinate organizations also differ. For example, the average salary of employees with higher education in the central structure of the department is 2,033.00 euro; it is 2,540.00 euro in the Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Saving and 1,821.50 euro in the gas company DEPA.

At the same time, according to the data sent by the Office for Consolidation of Archaeological Sites and Restoration, the average salary of employees with higher education there is 3,236.50 euro.

The oil company, Hellenic Petroleum, has sent no data, arguing that both it and its subsidiaries are not operating under the control of the state administration, nor do the state budget and the central government fund them.

At DESFA, the company that manages the distribution network in Greece, "the average total salary" is 3,183.39 euro and the operator of the energy market, LAGIE, has sent the amounts of the average annual salaries of its employees.

At the Public Power Corporation DEI the average gross monthly salary of employees with higher education is 2,907.64 euro and the net 1,686.00 euro. The average gross monthly salary of engineers is 3,797.47 and the net 2,088.00 euro.

At the Ministry of Development and Competition the average gross monthly salary of employees with higher education is 2,672.00 euro.

The Ministry of Education has sent the salaries of teachers and staff in universities and colleges but not those of the employees in its central services. According to the data, the average salary of employees with higher education in the administration of universities and colleges is 1,600.00 euro. The average salary of a university professor is 2,800.00 euro, of assistants, 2,500.00 euro, of associate professors, 2,200.00 euro, and of ordinary teachers, 2,000.00.

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki has the largest budget for salaries, namely 7,806,164.00 euro per month, followed by the University of Athens with monthly salary costs to the amount of 7,614,756.00 euro.

The average monthly salary of teachers in primary and secondary schools with permanent contracts is 1,750.00 euro and of their colleagues with temporary contracts 1,325.00 euro.

Tags: EconomySocietySalariesMinistriesCivil servants
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