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Sakis Rouvas has reached 40, but he feels like a kid

05 January 2012 / 19:01:03  GRReporter
9277 reads

Greek pop star Sakis Rouvas turns 40 years old today and states that it does not bother him at all. "I feel like a kid," says the musician who has conquered the hearts of young and old. His fans are aged between five and seventy-five, and his face can be seen on billboards of musical events in an ad for chewing gum and in charities for caring for children in need. He has 14 studio and two concert albums and he has been a protagonist in six movies. His life partner is runway model Katia Zigouli, with whom he has two children. He is the Greek pop idol and his success is known even beyond the borders of the Mediterranean country.

"Age does not play a role in what one can achieve or what one is capable of. It plays a role only in maturing of the mind and of physical development," said Sakis for Down Town magazine in connection with his round anniversary. He says that when he was a teenager people between 30 and 40 years seemed to him to be eldery, and today when he is at that age he feels like a kid. He is grateful to his fans for the love they have been giving him for almost 20 years and intends to continue forward.

"When I started singing boys and girls my age were coming to my concerts. We grew up together and now they have children who also love my music," said the Greek pop star. He believes that one of his greatest rewards in life is that he can do what he loves most and at the same time make so many people happy with his work and efforts. "I must admit that when we talk about work the greatest satisfaction I feel passes through visualization. Even grandparents come to my concerts with their grandchildren." Sakis shares that the energy he receives from the audience cannot be matched. At the concert for the promotion of his new album "Parafora" the singer gathered over 18 thousand people who sang his greatest hits together.

Rouvas is no stranger to charity as well. Last year he was the face of a famous brand of chewing gum. A considerable part of the sales went to a fund for the maintenance of the hospital for treatment of children with cancer "Elpida". After Sakis entered the campaign over a million packages were sold, which earned the Foundation 100,000 Euros in less than a year. Whatever the singer touches turns into gold, his fans say.

Regarding his relationship with children who are in trouble the singer says, "This turns your life upside down. It is very important to live closely the world of the children at the home of the Association of Friends of Children with cancer “Elpida” or the oncology clinic created by Mariana Vardinogianni. It is not easy to explain how I feel when I visit the children there, seeing their parents up close, their struggle and their courage. These are shocking images. It makes you rethink things and appreciate life, health and the situation in which you find yourself ".

In 2011 it became clear that political commitment is not foreign to Rouvas as well. Known mostly for his musical career and worldly shows, last November he gave a voice also against the political indecisiveness of the Greek government. From his profile in one of the social networks, he said: "They do not want to find a better solution for Greece! They just want to keep the power in their hands. Shame!" Regarding that period Sakis said that he was fed up of the games in the country and who will take over. He is certain that what is happening now in Greece does not go for the whole country, nor the whole nation. He does not deny that the problems are many, but he believes that the country has potential. "I believe that Greece is a very rich country. I am not saying that we have money now, but Greece should not be relying only on currencies but on its raw materials as well. We have both natural and human potential. If we can manage them properly now and in the future we will be able to earn a better life."

Tags: Sakis Rouvas Elpida charity cancer hospital Athens Greece
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