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Ruling of the houses in the horoscope – a practical example

10 September 2010 / 13:09:05  GRReporter
9433 reads

Author: Ghali

This article will focus on practical examples in the ruling of houses.

I have stressed several times already that there is no good and bad in nature. And I will continue to say this constantly, as it turns out that this is something terribly difficult to perceive.

The division of the planets into beneficial and is completely conditional, since there are things in our lives that everyone wants to stay away from. These are the maleficent things in our lives. There are things that everyone seeks and wishes to happen and to have them in abundance – these are the beneficial things in our lives.

There is often the elementary notion that a planet “causes” something. There are sayings like “The reason for my marriage/failure in work/debt, etc. is a planet.”; “Planets rule my life.”; “Astrology claims that planets determine what will happen to me”... and the like. These conclusions lack any sense and we could easily say that any other parts of the body but not the mind made them.

I will not apologize for saying that all such statements are deprived of any human thought. The planets in our solar system are not “interested” in breaking someone’s leg or in someone’s marriage. They are symbolic language that astrologers use to read. They symbolize certain things in the horoscope and it doesn’t matter whether we humans perceive them as good or bad. Putting labels is our, human problem.

Everyone has a magnetic field which is called aura in the modern world. And man attracts the necessary people and events to him/her through his/her magnetic field. Planets are like the we use to make a sentence and we read what a specific magnetic field has attracted in the present moment. Nobody would have blamed the letters “p” “a” “i” “n” only because they form an unpleasant word for all – “pain”.

Let’s go back to the topic.

Here is an example picture:

The symbolic signs used are as follows:

 - Sun – rules the 10th house, stands in the 10th house

 - Mars – rules the 1st and the 6th houses, stands in the 12th house

 - Jupiter – rules the 2nd and the 5th houses, stands in the 5th house

 - Saturn – rules the 3rd and 4th houses, stands in the 11th house

How to interpret this information by combining the nature of planets with the specific “intentions” of a particular horoscope?

The Sun

As the ruler of the 10th house it gets a neutral status. Since it does not rule another house, it keeps its neutral status that could be modified by the planets the Sun is connected with (aspects).

Sun, according to the natural division, is difficult to attribute only to the category of beneficial planets. The reason to put it in this category is that the Sun is the vital energy, the divine in every man. This can not be called in any case maleficent. But the Sun is a factor in the human spirit. Concerning the purely material and physical life, things slightly change. It is referred to as “cruel” from this perspective. Due to its orientation to the divine, the universal, the Sun is ready to burn and separate us from the material things in the name of spiritual development. It makes man independent - not only in spirit but also independent of the things around him. One of the ways to establish this independence is to put the man in situations that separat him from the things he depends on. No matter what they are.

Sun is the center of the solar system like the spirit is the heart of our microcosm, our personal universe. So, the house of the Sun is the place around which all our creative energy, the purpose of our existence revolve. In this case, this is the 10th house again. It is related to reputation, achievements, occupation, and career, what makes us visible to the society. If we look at things from the standpoint of the 10th house, the ruler of the 10th house stands in the 1st house. So, everything here is very, very personal. Refrain “Work is my life” is entirely appropriate in this case.
No matter how strange this may look, such a position of the Sun is a factor which indicates that the person may loose his job, reputation, achievements; that he can not retain on a permanent position. The ambition is so vast that it is often the cause. Of course, high position in society can be achieved. Self-confidence in the own abilities is large and often actions are authoritarian. In any way the man will attract to himself different situations and events to prove himself and take a leading position. Here I will stress the fact that a substantial public status is not necessarily associated with a material one. This is a very common mistake. It (the material status) is defined by the 2nd and the 11th houses.


In this case we have a combination of functional beneficial planet (ruler of the 1st house) and functional maleficent planet (ruler of the 6th house). Naturally Mars is maleficent planet. How is this combined?

Tags: NewsAstrologyHoroscopeStarsHousesPlanetsMaleficent and beneficial planets
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