Greece was left without a representative in the Miss World global beauty contest to be held on 19 December in the Chinese town of Sanya as its candidate was removed from the competition. According to Miss World's official website, the reason was Theodora Daniela De Morais Moschouri's misbehaviour.
Moschouri took second place in the Greek beauty contest Star Hellas, but was chosen to represent the country at the Miss World contest as the winner Katerina Galiatsatou was unable to go to China for family reasons.

But the organisers' note does not state what kind of misbehaviour Moschouri had been involved in that led to the extremely rare imposition of the eliminating measure. The only certainty is that Moschouri returned to Greece last Wednesday.

The organiser of Greek beauty contests, Vassilis Prevelakis, confirmed this information, but denied that the reason for eliminating Moschouri was her bad behavior. "On Tuesday evening, the organisers phoned in to tell me Theodora's close relative had a problem and would undergo surgery, and, being in poor mental condition herself, she would travel back to Greece. Theodora returned for personal reasons," said Prevelakis in a TV show.

He pointed out that Moschouri had stayed in China for 2-3 months. "None of us travels along with the girls to the place of the competition because it is a matter of a whole month – besides, participants follow a very strict regimen."
After this turn of events, Greece will remain unrepresented in the Miss World contest, as the time until 19 December is too short to send a replacement.