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"Reading" space weather

13 April 2014 / 17:04:46  GRReporter
4219 reads

Despite years of efforts, the two research groups agree that more research is needed in order to be able to predict space weather. "From the moment in which the solar wind leaves the Sun, until it "hits" the Earth, we are given a warning two days earlier in order to prevent the effects of a giant solar flare," said Paul Bell, a professor of applied physics at California Institute of Technology, in a communication of the University on the topic. During this time, the satellites can be put in safe mode, astronauts can be alerted so that they do not leave their space station, the course of aircraft can be changed, avoiding flights over the poles and plants for electricity production can be prepared for the risk of shut-off.

Tags: Prof. Vassilis Angelopoulos solar activity solar time flare aurora
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