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Preservation is the key word in the beginning of February

28 January 2012 / 17:01:15  GRReporter
5065 reads

    In this article I will inform you what the 'climate' characteristics will be for the period 1st to 15th of February and for whom this will be of any importance. This climate affects different people in a different way because it is directly dependent on the individual horoscope.

    In the previous article about the second half of January, I informed you that I expected it to be more relaxed and smooth at the public level. At the expense of the personal. As if people would be more involved in their personal commitments and problems and they wouldn’t want to bother with the public and social ones. Everyone would be more inclined to dip into his own personal affairs, to seek internal stability and harmony. Reconciliation to some extent will prevail. People might feel the stagnation, but they would be reluctant to interfere with any actions. They would rather be observers of the processes around them.
    I expected that there would be more dynamics on an interpersonal plan, particularly in clarifying and finding solutions within family and intimate circles. There it was likely that unresolved conflicts woud emerge.
    What is the overall picture in the first half of February? The main issue throughout the entire period is related to preservation. It is connected with the sense of obligation and responsibility, the necessity to protect and nurture. I expect that the number of those who need care, who seek protection to survive will increase. Mostly people and communities of diverse types (from small family units to large countries). And there will be strong restrictions when talking about taking responsibility and obligations. In other words, one may expect that someone else must take care of whatever it is we are talking about. And the one who has the strength and ability to take care will apply a fine filter - "this one yes, that one no."
    This issue gets the upper hand in terms of what is worth being preserved and maintained. Not always someone's cry for help deserves to be heard and accepted. It is quite possible that people who seemingly need help, turn out to be unseen and unheard. And those who seemingly have no such need might get help, care and support.

    I expect that in these days some kind of a start will be given to reforms of whatever type. They won’t, however be new ones. They will be old ones. Unresolved and unnoticed until now problems will emerge rapidly and will make us once again get back to them. But there are also some difficulties laid down - we will tend to show strong resistance to those who have a point of view that is different from ours.

    Around the 12th of February a change of the "eye lenses" will occur, the décor will change, the public wave will change, and everybody will be focused on this. Days at that time may seem to you very active and full of movement. You may encounter people, topics, situations that bring news around you. Over the last three months the decor was "chaos, disorder - why nothing is in its place?" and it provoked a desire for clarification and progress in every sense. The new public wave is marked by the key phrase "There’s no money, start acting". But it will become active in the second half of February.

    Now I will write down the areas in the Zodiac which are affected in the first half of February. And also the dates when the Sun is approximately in these areas and therefore applies to people born on these dates regardless of the year. For the other planets you need to check your personal horoscope.

15 ° - 20 ° Aries (people born between 5th and 10th of April)
2 ° - 8 ° Taurus (people born between 22nd and 28th of April)
11 ° - 17 ° Gemini (people born between 1st and 7th of June)
28 ° Gemini - 4 ° Cancer (people born between 19th and 24th of June)
4 ° - 9 ° Cancer (people born between 25th and 30th of June)
9 ° - 15 ° Cancer (people born between 1st and 7th of July)
21 ° - 26 ° Cancer (people born between 13th and 19th of July)
2 ° - 7 ° Leo (people born between 25th and 30th of July)
7 ° - 13 ° Leo (people born between 31st July of and 5th of August)
11 ° - 17 ° Virgo (people born between 4th and 10th of September)
4 ° - 9 ° Libra (people born between 28th of September and 2nd of October)
10 ° - 15 ° Libra (people born between 3rd and 8th of October)
26 ° Libra - 2 ° Scorpio (people born between 19th and 25th of October)
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius (people born between 23rd and 28th of January)
8 ° - 13 ° Aquarius (people born between 28th of January and 2nd of February)
22 ° - 28 ° Pisces (those born between 12th and 18th of March)

Look in the table from the gallery to see which planet this is about and connect the keywords for it with what I wrote.

Tags: Astroschool Galy February forecast planets individual horoscope star signs
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