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Half of Greeks renounce Darwin's theory

20 February 2009 / 16:02:13  GRReporter
2843 reads

2009 might have been announced as the year of Charles Darwin but this is not enough to make Greeks accept his evolution theory. Scientists explain the fact with the insufficient biology lessons and on the other hand with the way too many religion lessons in school. “Due to this educational correlation in religion and science it will not surprise me if the creation of the world is explained based on the bible version,” comments for “Ta Nea” newspaper the Cretan university dean of the biology department Hristos Louis. The interesting thing, according to him, in the relationship between Darwin and the Greeks is not that they renounce him but because they are not familiar with his teachings.

The reason is that is Greek schools do not teach not only the evolution of men but the evolution theory as a whole. Based on a research done by “New Scientist,” done in 19 countries, Greeks renounce Darwin more than the Americans, when the later are famous for their court fights about denouncing Darwin’s teachings. Darwin’s work “On the Origin of Species,” in which he develops his evolution theory, is recognized by the science, the Roman-Catholic Church defines it as compatible with the Christian faith, and the Church of England insists that the scientist should ask for apology for his teaching. The Orthodox Church does not have an official opinion on the topic but accepts the statement that a human improves with time and faith and that the only perfect man on earth was Jesus Christ.

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