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Nine steps to longevity

11 July 2013 / 19:07:40  GRReporter
4909 reads

Simona Peneva

The small Greek island of Ikaria is one of the four places in the world with the highest number of long-lived people. The other three are Loma Linda in Mexico, Nicoya in Costa Rica and Okinawa in Japan. While only 0.1% of the population in Europe lives longer than 90 years the number of people over that age on the island of Ikaria is ten times higher. "Longevity is not a random event but the result of an alternative lifestyle and its perception," states Christodoulos Stefanadis, head of the First Cardiology Clinic in Athens. Daily physical activity, healthy food in small quantities in accordance with the traditions of Mediterranean cuisine, maintaining lean body mass, sociability, tea and avoiding stress are the important ingredients in the "recipe" for the longevity of the inhabitants of Ikaria.
    Currently, people aged over 65 years account for 20% of the world's population and it is expected that this figure will reach 24% in 2020. Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death at this age. Within the European Union, 42%, i.e. almost half of the death cases are due to these diseases. Their treatment costs about 169 billion per year. In India and China, they affect more people than in all economically developed countries combined.

    To help the world find the secret of longevity, the First Cardiology Clinic in Athens began in 2009 a study which included full medical examinations of 657 persons aged between 54 and 61 years, 46% of them being male. A group of 673 adults aged between 75 and 82 years of which 49% male were examined too. 17% of adults and 42% of the middle-aged participants were smokers, 65% of the people from the first and 29% from the second group suffered from high blood pressure. Diabetes occurred in 23% of adults and in 13% of the middle-aged. 21% of those aged over 75 years have or had a cancer patient in the family whereas this rate for those under the age of 62 is 4%.
    Hyperlipidemia was observed in 42% of adults and 40% of middle-aged people. Adults had higher blood pressure and a lower weight. These statistics demonstrate that the factors for the development of cardiovascular disease increase along with age. What distinguishes the long-lived inhabitants of Ikaria is their diet which consists of fish, fruits, vegetables, legumes, mountain tea and Greek coffee on a daily basis.
    On the island of Ikaria, 68% of men and 64% of women aged over 80 years eat healthily. These figures are significantly higher than the percentages in the region of Attica. The adults' daily calorie count comprises 14% protein, 54% fat and 32% carbohydrates. 50.5% of adults observe the fast and 75% have a nap in the afternoon and show low levels of stress. The Mediterranean diet helps reduce the factors causing cardiovascular diseases, the frequent consumption of fish is good for the vessels and the daily use of olive oil is beneficial for sexual activity.
    100 grams of fish per day increases the preservation of good renal activity by 121%. One, two spoons of Greek coffee a day contribute again to the good condition of blood vessels. As for stress, its levels in the population of Ikaria are the lowest compared to its levels in the other groups of adults. Even an increase by 1 on the stress scale of 1 to 15 increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 12%. Symptoms of stress are found in 4% of men and 9% of women at the average age of 75 years. In 43% of men and 54% of women who have increased levels of cholesterol 73% of men and 61% of women take medicines and 54% and 72% respectively are on a diet.

    Those who observe the Mediterranean diet and take medicines have better control levels of fat as opposed to those who rely only on medicines. The mountain tea improves the functioning of kidneys and reduces fat levels even in diabetics. It also reduces the risk of death by 38%. 100 g of fresh fruits per day reduces that risk by 40% and fresh vegetables by 50%.
    The amount of food plays an important role too because the consumption of food on a small plate reduces the risk of death by 70%. Metabolism decreases after the age of 75 and the body does not need as many calories. 85% of the respondents have moderate physical activity, as the majority of them are fishermen, farmers and sailors. Increased physical activity results in increased levels of testosterone and accordingly, in better cardiovascular protection.

    The long-lived inhabitants of the "Blue Zones", the four places in the world where people live the longest, advise us to follow nine important steps which include daily physical activity, an optimistic attitude to life, lack of stress, moderate consumption of vegetables, moderate alcohol consumption, strong family ties, friendship and preservation of the relations within the social group that has the same views on life. Important steps towards longevity are also a good educational level, afternoon nap, Mediterranean diet and participation in public events, all of which are typical for the inhabitants of Ikaria.
    The secret of their longevity lies mostly in their good circulatory activity and flexible blood vessels which help keep them in good condition. "You die when you have no purpose in life," this rule really applies to the residents of the "Blue Zones" who are involved in every type of social events and activities. However, even teaching their grandsons or granddaughters motivates them and sets a goal in their lives. "Be physically active, maintain an optimistic attitude towards life, eat in moderation and maintain the relationships with your social group" is the advice of long-lived people.

Tags: The secret of longevityThe island of IkariaMediterranean cuisineHealthy life
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