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The Moon is "responsible" for our emotional intelligence

26 January 2013 / 15:01:55  GRReporter
6951 reads


We always look for ways to feel comfortable and secure, no matter what we do. We all have an innate instinct to head to something specific like activities, environment, or a situation in which we feel that we are in the right place. Today's article is about how we achieve the sense that we are in the right place, what situations we like getting involved in, which is our preferred means for achieving mental and emotional harmony.

The Moon in our individual horoscope is related to the ways in which we react instinctively and emotionally to each situation that we face. I often hear the term emotional intelligence lately. Step by step, the scientific world is coming to the conclusion that we react to the world around us primarily through our emotional feelings. More than 40 years ago, Mario Puzo created a great character in his novel "The Godfather". The following cult phrase belongs to him: "Everything is personal, even the smallest thing. All the shit (I leave it in its original form, without censorship, as in the book) that is served to each person every day throughout life, is a private matter. They call it business. Well. But it is pretty darn personal."

To paraphrase, we perceive everything we are served in life with our emotional and instinctive mind, i.e. extremely personally. No matter what anyone says. I suppose you have been in a situation where everyone had different impressions and feelings, and, on this basis, they characterise what happened differently. This is the result of our personal "antenna", the Moon - it lets only certain fragments pass and ignores the rest.

The Moon in our individual horoscope is undoubtedly a crucial element. The Sun is the giver of life and energy, but we live our lives emotionally - via the Moon. It is our instinctive and emotional mind (not to be confused with the rational intellect), which we follow. It is our receptive "antenna". In Sanskrit, the Moon has several names, one of which is Soma - it means "nectar of happiness". Only Soma, the nectar of our personal happiness, has the ability to give us inner satisfaction, to calm our mind and psyche. And that does not necessarily happen under one and the same circumstances. Some people become very pleased when confronted and involved in a conflict, while others - when dancing or when poring over a wiring diagram in the basement.

Therefore, the position of the Moon in the individual horoscope is extremely important when it comes to the ways in which we feel in the right place, when we are comfortable and stable. The Moon shows where our mind is focused and how we achieve our emotional balance. Astrological analyses are generally diverse - according to the sign position of the Moon, the house position in the horoscope, or aspects of other planets and other details. I will give more details on the sign and house positions. Note that the Moon is not isolated and always interacts with the other planets, which may alter the meaning to some extent. Combine the information about the sign and house positions - for example, the Moon is in Virgo and the third house.

Remember that the sign position is more of a psychological component and the house position reflects actual circumstances and life events. Sometimes, combinations of sign and house positions are quite difficult. For example, in a combination when the Moon is in Aries and falls in the fourth house, there will be a lot of difficulties. Such people tend to be small tyrants who like to always be first, and subject their family and relatives to constant changes and conflicts. And, at the same time, they seek to build a home and family, enjoy peace and tranquillity, and maintain a family type of relationship (intimate and emotional) with colleagues and friends.

Moon in Aries or the 1st house

You feel in the right place when you can tailor the outside world and people according to your own desires. Your personal significance should be unconditional and, therefore, you strive for activities and circumstances in which you always prove that you are "top of the class". Everyone around you should deal with you - this is the most important thing. Your mind is constantly searching for something to conquer, for ways to gain distinction and receive "gold medals". You instinctively strive for activities, people and circumstances that offer you critical and extreme events. Even if these are painful - it is more important that you are not bored. You like starting new things - the starting point is your favourite place. You like a dynamic lifestyle, in which everything happens immediately, but in your way and at your own pace.

Moon in Taurus or the 2nd house

You feel in the right place when there are plenty of material resources around you - money, food, clothing, furniture and all kinds of belongings. Even if time stopped, nothing would change. You seek to be surrounded by security and reliability. Your mind is focused on how to accumulate wealth in every sense - money, clothes, property, family and people who support you. Big houses, luxury furniture, bank accounts, land, various physical pleasures that caress the senses - these are the things that you think about. You feel in the right place when dealing with them. You instinctively strive for activities, people and circumstances that are directed towards the material side of life or would hardly ever change over time. Traditions are your favourite principle, and you look for them in everything around you.

Tags: emotional intelligence Moon Astro school Galy individual horoscope zodiac signs planets
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