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Karamanlis against Papandreou because of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline

24 September 2009 / 18:09:05  GRReporter
3028 reads

Yesterday during his pre-election speech in Alexandroupoli Kostas Karamanlis attacked his opponent Georgios Papandreou, because of his proposals regarding the economics and the foreign policy. Kostas Karamanlis stressed on his opponent’s statements that if he became a PM he would review the Bourgas-Alexandroupoli pipeline deal. Mr. Karamanlis made this statement specifically in Alexandroupoli on purpose because he wanted to stress on the symbolism of his visit there by turning the pipeline discussion into a topic, which concerns the whole country.

Mr. Karamanlis started his speech with a ruthless attack against the PASOK leader and he characterized Papandreou’s position as “obscure”. The PM said that the project will be executed with the help of the local rulers and the local labor power and the pipeline will be built and it will be up and running without polluting the environment. The annual income from it will be approximately $35 million and it will stay in the Thrace region.

“PASOK leader’s claims that the contract is of interest only to Russia are absolutely groundless. His doubt harms politics, which above all places Greece’s interests first… This is why the position of the leader of PASOK is obscure and he has to give clear answers to all citizens,” said Karamanlis.

Along with this New Democracy leader Karamanlis, blamed Papandreou that he does not have a ready plan for getting out of the crisis and he does not have clear positions, which makes him beat around the bush. “On one hand, by him doing this it becomes clear that we should expect tax increases,” clarified Mr. Karamanlis. 

Tags: NewsPoliticsEconomy Elections in Greece
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