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June is the Most Successful Month in 2014

01 June 2014 / 14:06:38  GRReporter
6167 reads


   In this article I will present you with an astrological snapshot covering the period from 1st to 30th June. We will start with a review of the overall astrological situation and then I will continue with individual predictions.

  As I told you in the previous article, May was full of dynamics and the effect of the Solar eclipse on 29th April is now in full swing. The symbols behind the eclipse are related to extremes such as antagonism, aggression and ‘death’, but also to the idea of ‘conception’. As the drive to act and to ‘catch’ was dominant, personal aggression reached peak zones and the whole month was risky in terms of accidents and conflicts of various nature.

  In social terms, energy was predominantly focused on mending what had been ‘broken and damaged’, as the world in general is currently going through a period of tremendous advance; a period of great achievements and crucial historical decisions. A trend towards all kinds of criticism and rebukes seemed likely in people’s private lives. May, on the other hand, was a good time to wipe the slate clean; to identify problem areas in your life and to focus on eliminating mistakes.

   The retrograde phase which Mars was going through finished on 20th May and this filled the last two days of the month with a specific vibrance, only this time it indicated logical and consistent activity.

   In May, a curious interplanetary connection, which can be witnessed approximately once every 15 to 17 years, was established between Mars and Venus. Only this time they had quite a ‘company’ – Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. The prominent Grand Cross was formed again with the appearance of Venus, which has a major impact on people’s lives as it is related to relations, human values, and resources in general. As for communities and society, this interdependence has its effects in increased hostility and tension, in addition to lack of dimplomacy and equilibrium; its impact on love relationships is far more beneficial though – new opportunities open up, unexpected affairs begin and people are more likely to meet someone whom they will find really hard to resist. Spring months usually provoke the awakening of love life, yet this year proved to be full of unusual activity. This was a wonderful time for single people to enjoy unforgettable moments and to find their perfect match, yet there was a risk of serious conflicts and broken hearts for those who are married.

    What can we expect in June 2014?

   The New Moon which highlights June is at the 8th degree of the Gemini sign. The symbols of this section relate to the ‘most beautiful; the most fruitful; the most sublime’. Obstacles are easily removed as if by magic and nothing can stop endeavours which are full of desire, purpose and inspiration. Some special enthusiasm appears in society; a readiness to share skills and to experiment. June is a month in which a lot of funds and various resources are accumulated to be used later when unexpected situations occur.

   In terms of politics, social life, and community, there will be an effort to amass, which may seem unnecessary and excessive from today’s perspective. The material aspect of life in its rich variety will come to the forefront. The word ‘money’ in its various meanings will be the one most wanted and most frequently used. Important as it usually is, this word will literally sweep over us in June. People will ‘go hunting’ for money and resources since the month will provoke them not only to accumulate, but also to invest profitably in order to benefit tremendously later.

   One way or another, the world is getting in order from a purely material perspective; wealth is being distributed; positions are being consolidated. Beneficial agreements in terms of  finance, production, and material possession will be signed, as all alliances seem to be favourable – not only those between individuals, but also between companies, organisations, and states.

   Jupiter, the planet of well-being and prosperity, is going through the most favourable and fortunate section of the whole zodiac. Therefore June, in combination with the New Moon, is going to be a very successful month as a whole. Do not reject what comes to you incidentally, as if by mistake, even if you never asked for, or wanted, it. Make room in your life and keep it as it will be very helpful in days of great need. Whatever you can make yours in June, will prove to be one of the best deals you have ever made.

   Feminine energy is dramatically increasing during the month and this will have a beneficial effect on people’s reproductive power, beauty, arts, and love affairs.

   The middle of June will bring to the forefront individuals who have been destined to be prominent, respected, and superior, i.e. people who will do grand things for humanity. This refers both to countries, and to smaller unions, such as companies, teams, and organisations. These might be individuals who are already prominent, or persons who have remained in the background so far.

   The affluence that is coming to us will not always be of the beneficial nature you may think of. Should a natural phenomenon occur, it will be brighter and more intense than usual, which may lead to some major damage in our lives.

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