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June - month of irresponsible, capricious and destructive behaviour

02 June 2012 / 17:06:28  GRReporter
11090 reads


In this article I will inform you what the astrological picture will be for the period 1st – 30th of June and for whom this will be of any importance. In their move on the celestial sphere, the planets activate different parts of the zodiac and therefore the astrological climate that they set, affects everyone in a different way because it is directly dependent on a person’s individual horoscope. 

    In the previous article I informed you that in May there are two things that make it a little more special. The first thing was that on the 29th of May there was the solar eclipse. This astronomical event is particularly important for those born on the 19th, 20th and 21st of May. For them, 2012 brings important life events that will change afterwards its entire structure almost.
    In a broader aspect the eclipse that passed is associated with realism, with the need to get rid of unrealistic expectations and perceptions. On the surface this could mean conversion, breach, rejection of laws – both the moral, and the public and socio-economic ones. This does not happen immediately. Rather, in the days around the eclipse there are events that trigger the development of this issue.
    The second special event in May, to which I drew your attention, was that after the 15th this month Venus enters its retrograde period. This happens once in a year and a half, but this time in 2012 there is something much more significant. It is accompanied by the "eclipse" of the Sun by Venus, which happens in succession once in about 130 years.
    The meaning of this retrograde period is the distinction between "value" and "value", understanding what is worth having, what is valuable, what to change and what not to change. Often during this period what comes to the fore areissues concerning the relationship between people, the values ​​in life, the important things, the moral laws. Such an assessment is made not only at the individual level but also in socio-political terms.
    One of the most prominent world events that happened over the last days of May was the brutal slaughter in Syria, which was met by condemnation and outrage worldwide. The beginning of a civil war in the country and the intervention of external forces in it is becoming increasingly more real. This could lead to a conflict of interests between the countries in the Western world.

    The critical point in Europe - Greece – proved to be unable to form a government and is currently in a pending position until the new elections. The repeated elections in June will take place in a period that is characterized by the fact that support and cooperation are very difficult to achieve. Quite often a change has to be subsequently introduced in structure, form and stability. This means that the government which will be drawn up after the second election will face serious difficulties and later will have to undergo later through an almost complete "overhaul" of the structure. This leads to doubts that it is quite possible for yet more elections  to be conducted in the coming months, which will be the third in a row.
    What is the astrological situation in June?
    On the 6th of June in the early hours there will be an eclipse of the Sun by Venus. This is an extraordinary event from an astronomical point of view, as it is rarely seen even once in a life time because it happens once every 120-130 years. Fortunately, all of us in Europe (except Spain and Portugal) will be able to see it at sunrise.
    The astrological symbolism of this eclipse is related to how people communicate and connect. It is associated with a change in the way human relationships and values function, how people arrange the world around them. It is an interesting fact that Venus has two sides of manifestation. On the one hand, love in its purest and most beautiful essence, and on the other hand the violence that the Aztesc and Mayans associated with Venus. They believed that when Venus enters a retrograde phase it transforms from a woman into a man - abuser.
    The militant side of Venus this time will probably show very strongly due to this rare event such as is the eclipse. I do not exclude the possibility for a serious crisis in the diplomatic communications between countries in the world and that some heads of state may show strong relentlessness and even combative behavior, impulsiveness and a desire to strike. It seems to me that we are faced with a few months in which we may be witnessing reckless, capricious, destructive behavior, dramatic emotional events and even challenges as a signal for the declaration of an open conflict.
    In interpersonal terms there may also be dramatic and sudden conflicts, breaking alliances, the destruction of relationships. Interaction with others is going through a deep inspection and everything that isn’t valuable or stable tends to be terminated.

Tags: Astro school June forecast Sun eclipse by Venus first Moon eclipse for 2012 Galy
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