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IMF romances and not only

14 December 2010 / 18:12:53  GRReporter
6519 reads

A blessing in disguise. This is what my granny would tell hearing the rumours that the representative of the International Monetary Fund for Europe and the head of the Greek mission in Athens Paul Thompsen fell heels in love like a student with a young black-haired Greek woman. The financial crisis brought the economist to the Mediterranean country known for its sun, sea, olives and women – the cause of wars and pogroms. Who has not read the Iliad?

The information is not confirmed, but local press publications read that the head of the supervisory Troika in Greece is fond of a dark-haired beauty, a descendant of a famous Greek family living in the Ekali neighbourhood of the rich. It is known Paul Thompsen is of Irish origin; he is married and has two children. Supervisory Troika close circles argue this is a fabricated story but the web portal tells about romantic walks and dinners in taverns outside the city. No photographs have been published yet and nothing has been officially confirmed or denied. If we are to be fair about this exciting story of love, crisis and International Monetary Fund, it almost impossible to be true for one main reason:

The task Paul Thompsen has assumed to put the economic life of Greece in order hardly leaves him enough time for love affairs. But you never know on the other hand!

The rumour about the possible Paul Thompsen’s affair made us tease out a little more information about the privacy of the men of the day. The most curious proves to be the story of the current IMF’s head of French origin Dominique Strauss-Kahn whose name was embroiled in a sex scandal several years ago. Investigation of harassment, favoritism and abuse of power allegations started in 2008 after the longtime board member of the IMF Shakur Schaal argued that Dominique Strauss-Kahn had had sexual contact with a senior economist in the financial institution of Hungarian origin, namely Piroska Nagy. His wife, the famous French journalist Anne Senklear, stood by her husband and said while waiting for the results of the investigation that one night of infidelity would not ruin their marriage. The Board of the International Monetary Fund issued the findings of the investigation on October 25, 2008 which justified Strauss-Kahn’s reputation and Piroska Nagy left the institution with a solid compensation. He formally apologized to his wife and the public about the drama which had took place and considered his affair with Nagy a wrong decision.

The book the Secrets of the President Contender was released in May 2010 which describes Dominique Strauss-Kahn as passionate seducer whose weakness for women could cost him his ambition to become the next French president. The author is anonymous official of the International Monetary Fund with the pen-name of Cassandra. Times’ review of the book quoted parts of it: "Having determined the victim, he began bombarding her with text messages, which usually begin with 'I want you'".

The journalist Tristan Bano tells about the irrepressible urge of Strauss-Kahn as according to her she had to straight kick him to get rid of Mr. IMF’s passionate embrace. Ethnos Journal tells her story that took place in 2002. The young journalist managed to arrange an interview with the French politician and it should be held in an apartment. Bano tells that he wanted her to hold his hand to answer her questions. After a while his hand went up her thigh and up... it turned out they were fighting, she kicked him and he tried to unzip her jeans. Clearly, the interview never happened, and according to the story of Tristan Bano, after leaving the scene she received message: "Am I scaring you?"

Quite nice is the popular economist Nouriel Roubini, who although is known for his gloomy forecasts for the world economy, loves to live life in full. Roubini has gained wide international reputation having predicted the 2006 global crisis. Professionally, he gained the nickname Dr. Doom but he is known as party-boy economist in his private life. His correct forecasts and the collapse of the global economy in 2008 took up his shares in the hi-live at international level and he became a celebrity along with well-known actors, millionaires and others. The network flooded with images of Roubini, holding at least one beauty in his arm and smiling ear to ear. He calls himself ugly, but confesses that people and especially women are attracted to his mind. Roubini is known for his lavish parties in his New York loft attended by the managers of the largest investment funds in the world and beauties of world titles, or just pretty girls from Facebook.


Tags: SocietyPaul ThompsenIMFDominique Strauss-KahnNouriel Roubini
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