sex style, seduction, Astro school, Galy, Ascendant, tenth house, planets, individual horoscope
Ascendant in Capricorn

The tenth house falls in Libra. It is ruled by Venus. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very social and open to the desired person. Politeness, manners, your smile, your perfect appearance, and a staggering penchant for balance and harmony, a sweet voice - this is your way to show the other that you have chosen him or her. You talk about beauty, art, romance, poetry, a perfect relationship. You try to create a feeling of a perfect relationship and direct your full attention to his or her understanding of partnership. Libra is associated with business partnerships and co-operation, publicity, the judiciary system, arts and art circles. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things.
Ascendant in Aquarius

The tenth house falls in Scorpio. It is ruled by Mars (and Pluto). When you want to show your sexual interest, you become extremely strange in your behaviour. You are not interested in the person for whom you seemingly show deep admiration, but in the one to whom you supposedly do not pay any attention at all. However, you will talk about very deep themes with the person you desire - about life, the occult and hidden, birth and death. You become very serious and stranger than usual. Scorpio is associated with transformation, pain, death, the occult and mysteries. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things. "A funeral and a wedding afterwards" - this scenario is not uncommon in your case.
Ascendant in Pisces

The tenth house falls in Sagittarius. It is ruled by Jupiter. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very funny, generous, and full of energy and vitality. In the presence of your desired person, you laugh constantly, even at the most stupid jokes. You put yourself in the role of the jester, just in order to make him or her laugh as well. You constantly propose to the other to accompany you in yet another adventure. You talk about the joy of life, wisdom, faith, spirituality. Sagittarius is the sign that is associated with higher knowledge and expertise teaching, remote places, travel, foreigners, meaning and purpose of life. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things. You often go on a journey and return with a sexual partner.