sex style, seduction, Astro school, Galy, Ascendant, tenth house, planets, individual horoscope
Smiles, glances, teasing, flirting - how many times have you wondered if there is a hidden sexual desire behind all this? And how many times have you mistaken the signs! Every one of us has their own distinct sexual style through which we state our intentions. We signal that we are ready and try to seduce the other in order to satisfy our desire.
In this article I will write about what our sexual style is and how we act in order to show our desire, as well as what topics we choose to talk about in order to attract sexual attention. Venus in the horoscope defines how we attract others in general. But when we are trying to appeal to someone, we do not always do so because of a sex drive. We may want to attract others and make them like us for various reasons. It is hardly necessary to tell you that many people use their sexual "techniques" for very prosaic purposes.
How to differentiate when someone is trying to "seduce" us is an interesting question, especially when it comes to sexual intimacy. The fact that someone is fixing their hair and tie and is definitely trying to impress you does not necessarily mean that he or she wants to play a game for adults. They may just need some help, without any thought about sex.
In one of my previous articles I explained that the eighth house in the horoscope is associated with sex. And if we focus the horoscope on it, we can decipher the plot of sexuality. The eighth house itself and its state define our sexual temperament. The third house in the horoscope, in general, is associated with initiative, primary impetus and the first step in the realisation of personal intentions.
If we count the third house, beginning from the eighth one, we will reach the tenth original house in the horoscope. Thus, in order to understand how we act when we want to seduce someone precisely because of a sexual desire we need to see the state of the tenth house – the sign it falls in, the planet that rules it; what other planets are present in it.
I have saved you this secondary counting of houses in order to avoid mistakes. You just need to know the sign of your Ascendant and find it below. In the descriptions, I have indicated where the tenth house falls and what information it gives us. I have also specified what the ruling planet is and if you know in which sign it falls, read the information about the sign as well. For example, the tenth house of a person with Ascendant in Aries falls in Capricorn. This sign is ruled by Saturn. If Saturn in the personal horoscope falls, for example, in Virgo, it is useful to keep in mind that information, too. For this purpose, you will have to read the text where I have stated that "the tenth house falls in Virgo".
Ascendant in Aries

The tenth house falls in Capricorn. It is ruled by Saturn. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very wary and very careful in your approach to the individual. No luxuries and activities that can expose you and question your self-esteem. Capricorn is associated with professional life and career; therefore your sexual relationships often begin in such situations - work, job, public success. You talk about your achievements, ambitions and responsibilities. It is not easy for you to flatter and pay compliments. You prefer being practical and therefore you often take various responsibilities for the other, thus signalling that you are looking for intimacy. Your sexual style involves patience, restraint, demonstration of professional success and social status, as well as taking responsibility for the other.
Ascendant in Taurus

The tenth house falls in Aquarius. It is ruled by Saturn (and Uranus). When you want to show your sexual interest, you can literally stun the other. You are among the most straightforward people and, in general, sexual manoeuvres are not typical for you. If you want to have sex, you can just say it like that, directly, without any equivocation. Aquarius is associated with social groups and friendship; therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in such situations - mutual aid between friends, at a party or in a place where many people with a mutual social interest have gathered. Since you are straightforward, there is no need to look for any special implied meaning in your case. If you have sexual intentions, you need only a few words in order to show them.
Ascendant in Gemini

The tenth house falls in Pisces. It is ruled by Jupiter (and Neptune). When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very silent in the presence of the desired person. You are just being there, next to him or her. And this person may start to think that there is something wrong with you, since your usual chatter has disappeared. This often creates problems, since the other person wonders if you are sick, but he or she does not have the slightest idea what your "disease" is. You communicate almost exclusively via glances. Pisces is the sign associated with isolated places and things that heal people (both literally and figuratively), foreign and distant cultures, as well as other countries and emigration. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in such places and in such situations. And since you almost literally lose your gift of speech, you expect that the other person will understand on his or her own and "save" you by taking the initiative.
Ascendant in Cancer

The tenth house falls in Aries. It is ruled by Mars. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very active contrary to the shyness associated with Cancer. You suddenly start looking for ways to show yourself and become the centre of attention for the desired person. You talk about everything that differentiates you from the rest and your sentences start with "I am ...". You become quite aggressive and impatient, and you can even pursue openly. Aries is the sign associated with the physical body, self and everything most individual. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in situations associated with these things - for example, while playing sports or in a situation in which you can fight a "duel" with someone and demonstrate your individuality.
Ascendant in Leo

The tenth house falls in Taurus. It is ruled by Venus. When you want to show your sexual interest, physical comfort, money and luxury are your weapons. You become very tactile, striving in every way to touch the other and put him or her in a luxurious and sumptuous atmosphere. Your sexual style includes cash and material possessions, as well as a constant touch and physical closeness. The thesis “to buy/sell sex” is most typical for you - gifts, luxury, pleasure and physical contact. You speak mainly about finance, property, possessions and all similar topics in the style "I have ... I will have ...". Taurus is the sign associated primarily with money and material possessions. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in situations associated with money - banks, investment, gambling, loans, etc.
Ascendant in Virgo

The tenth house falls in Gemini. It is ruled by Mercury. When you want to show your sexual interest, you are among the most skilled artisans in terms of confusing the other – you may pretend that you do not notice him or her today and barely say hello. On the next day, you may not stop calling him or her and ask all sorts of questions, talk about what you have just learned or share any kind of information and gossips. It may be a bit schizophrenic, but this is your sexual style. The object of your desire may even think that you just want to communicate and there is no sexual desire at all. Gemini is the sign associated with communication, movement and transmission of information in any form, as well as with neighbours, brothers and sisters. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and for reasons associated with information, means of information or vehicles - bookstores, phones, books, computers, short trips, etc., or through neighbours, brothers or sisters.
Ascendant in Libra

The tenth house falls in Cancer. It is ruled by the Moon. When you want to show your sexual interest, you use traditional approaches in their full version - women are shy blushing girls, men are knights on white horses. You are able to create an extremely romantic fantasy about the person in whom you are interested. Your sexual style is very diverse, based on your personal feelings. But it mostly includes demonstration of feelings - joy, hate, melancholy, anger, happiness. You talk mainly about feelings and emotions, trying to make the other dip into them, creating a maternal cosy atmosphere for him or her. All your sentences begin with the words "I feel...". Cancer is the sign associated with home, family, real estate and mother. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and in situations associated with these things.
Ascendant in Scorpio

The tenth house falls in Leo. It is ruled by the Sun. When you want to show your sexual interest, you literally warm up the desired person with your presence, without even saying a word. His or her body temperature rises and he or she may start undressing because of the warmth. Your sexual style is primarily associated with the presence of heat - you simply assume a pose that clearly shows your desire. Your presence is so powerful and hot that it is enough and eloquent. You talk about love and romance; you became a poet and look for ways to deliver entertainment and happiness to the desired person. Leo is the sign that is associated with love, children, entertainment and creativity. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and in situations associated with these things.
Ascendant in Sagittarius

The tenth house falls in Virgo. It is ruled by Mercury. When you want to show your sexual interest, the desired one becomes a victim of your critical eye and critical language. You can tear him or her apart with analyses and criticism. But all this is aimed at offering them unconditional aid afterwards, in order to help them correct their defects. This may also include sexual "help", since it comes as a natural consequence. You talk mainly about in what ways you can be useful to the desired person and you strive to help them. Virgo is a sign associated with work habits, health and hygiene issues, service, medicine, colleagues at work.
Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things.
Ascendant in Capricorn

The tenth house falls in Libra. It is ruled by Venus. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very social and open to the desired person. Politeness, manners, your smile, your perfect appearance, and a staggering penchant for balance and harmony, a sweet voice - this is your way to show the other that you have chosen him or her. You talk about beauty, art, romance, poetry, a perfect relationship. You try to create a feeling of a perfect relationship and direct your full attention to his or her understanding of partnership. Libra is associated with business partnerships and co-operation, publicity, the judiciary system, arts and art circles. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things.
Ascendant in Aquarius

The tenth house falls in Scorpio. It is ruled by Mars (and Pluto). When you want to show your sexual interest, you become extremely strange in your behaviour. You are not interested in the person for whom you seemingly show deep admiration, but in the one to whom you supposedly do not pay any attention at all. However, you will talk about very deep themes with the person you desire - about life, the occult and hidden, birth and death. You become very serious and stranger than usual. Scorpio is associated with transformation, pain, death, the occult and mysteries. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things. "A funeral and a wedding afterwards" - this scenario is not uncommon in your case.
Ascendant in Pisces

The tenth house falls in Sagittarius. It is ruled by Jupiter. When you want to show your sexual interest, you become very funny, generous, and full of energy and vitality. In the presence of your desired person, you laugh constantly, even at the most stupid jokes. You put yourself in the role of the jester, just in order to make him or her laugh as well. You constantly propose to the other to accompany you in yet another adventure. You talk about the joy of life, wisdom, faith, spirituality. Sagittarius is the sign that is associated with higher knowledge and expertise teaching, remote places, travel, foreigners, meaning and purpose of life. Therefore, your sexual relationships often begin in places and situations associated with these things. You often go on a journey and return with a sexual partner.