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GRR HOT 15: New year, new beginning, new by Mixalis Xatzigiannis and Maria Ilieva

07 January 2011 / 18:01:19  GRReporter
5879 reads

Hello, music fans

Happy New Year and good luck! At the end of 2010 we have offered you the 15 tops of the past twelve months. It was really a pleasant surprise to see how active you were in selecting the song of 2010. The results were really close and constantly changing until the last minute. But now we have a winner in the race and that is the eccentric, crazy and unpredictable Lady Gaga with Alejandro. The song was in the air in the spring and ever since there could hardly be anyone who doesn’t know at least the chorus by heart. So, naturally, the track won the prize of GRR HOT 15 for a song of the year.
Well, let us rush into the music maze of our favourite chart. It has definitely changed a lot since the last time we listened to it and danced. The first place is for the song which was defined by Billboard and Rolling Stone magazine as the song of the year. It is the wonderful Runaway of Kanye West. The surprisingly gentle melody of the controversial rapper rather quickly fired to the top position and it is already at the top of GRR HOT 15. The second place is for our last year’s new proposal. Anna Vissi once again proved that she can quickly and strongly win your sympathy and she is already in the top three of our chart with her Den Tha Iparxei Allo. The third place also has changed and is now entrusted to the late Michael Jackson’s gorgeous melody Hold My Hand. The King of Pop bequeathed us a song that really touches deep and your votes strongly prove this.

Naturally, the top three changes seriously stired the lower layers. So, under number four is Grafa with his song Nevidim. It is only one step up from the ever crazy Black Eyed Peas singing Time Of My Life from the fifth step. This week number six is for Tri O five who quite successfully stormed the first place of GRR HOT 15 for nearly a month. Your votes gave the lucky number seven to the British Coldplay. Christmas is already gone but their song Christmas Lights still keeps its positions and even marks a slight jump up in our chart.

Eight is the number for Duck Sauce and their hot dance hit Barbara Streisand. The house funk track is only one step before the Crazy Pink, which seriously goes down in our chart this week.. At the foot of the top ten is another name from the world of music. The chocolate Rihanna waits for us there with her song Only Girl (In The World). Whether it will fall further down the next seven days depends entirely on you and your votes.

Far East Movement and the catchy Like a G6 are on the eleventh step. The club hit is just one step ahead of Miro and his song Power. The fatal number thirteen this week is for the really nice Last Summer by Nicko.

So, smoothly in the sounds of music we came to the two new proposals this week. The first comes from the charming Mixalis Xatzigiannis. The charmer does not know what rest is and already has got a new single and a gorgeous video. The song To Kalitero Psema made its official debute on the air a few days ago and it expects your votes in our GRR HOT 15. The second new proposal is from a lady that has become an important figure in contemporary Bulgarian music. Maria Ilieva hasn’t got new releases for quite some time but she decided to correct this mistake to her fans’ delight. The result is more than superb. I Like is a skipjack mix of fresh beats, catchy text and of course, the velvet voice of Ms. Ilieva.  

Here it comes again the time to say good buy until the next Friday. I wish you a weekend full of smiles, music and a remarkable start of the new year!

See you!


GRR Hot 15
grr hot 15
Tags: GRRHot 15MusicNine musesMihalis Hatzigiannis Maria Ilieva Anna Vissi
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