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Greece extends the bank holiday by two days

13 July 2015 / 17:07:25  GRReporter
2220 reads

The financial system is gradually returning to normal, banks are opening, capital controls are gradually relaxing. Those are some of the consequences of the agreement that creditors and the Greek government reached this morning, as well as the capital strengthening of banks and most importantly, the avoided general haircut of deposits.
    Citing banking sources, correspondents for international media in Brussels have reported that the banking holiday will be extended by another two days and the decision will be reconsidered on Wednesday. When banks open, they will operate under many restrictions and it will take many weeks to return to the normal banking rhythm.
    The Governing Council of the European Central Bank has decided to leave unchanged the maximum liquidity level provided to Greek banks under the Emergency Liquidity Assistance. A solution for bold actions is expected at the end of the week, when the Greek parliament has to vote the reforms stipulated in the agreement with creditors.

Tags: Bank holidayGreek banksAgreement with creditorsEuropean Central BankLiquidityCapital controls
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