The Embassy of Greece in Sofia has informed the Greek Ministry of Development that a Bulgarian company is misusing the name 'feta' in the Bulgarian market, the Greek media report.
The case is about a type of cheese that retail chains Picadilly and BMB are selling and that is described as soft white cheese under the name 'FETAMA'. It is the product of company "Cech 99" Ltd. and its label definition is 'cheese FETAMA of cow's milk'.
The information on the product label is in the Bulgarian and English as well as in the Russian and Serbian languages and this probably indicates that the company exports it to the countries in question.
Having received the information from the Embassy, the Directorate General for Sustainable Agricultural Development at the Hellenic Ministry of Development has sent an urgent letter to the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and the Hellenic Food Safety Authority in which it urges the Bulgarian authorities to take all legitimate steps to prohibit the misuse of the name 'feta' on the part of the Bulgarian company.