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Golden Dawn as Turkish series

27 March 2013 / 00:03:55  GRReporter
5367 reads

The extreme right celebrated the National Day of Greece with an unusual protest outside Mega TV station. They gathered late in the afternoon to express their dissatisfaction with the decision of the TV channel to broadcast episodes of Turkish series on the day when the country celebrated its independence from the Ottoman Empire.
In addition to regular members, the protest involved members of the party, which has established itself as the third political force in Greece for quite some time now.

"Motherland, religion, Orthodoxy, and d..k for Mega and Turkey" and "S..t, s..t on the grave of Kemal (Ataturk - author's note)," shouted hundreds of Golden Dawners.

The culmination of the "civilized" protest of the extreme right came a little later when the party's parliamentary representative Christos Pappas decided to urinate at the entrance of the television station as a sign of protest. Immediately afterwards, he informed his followers about his "heroic" act, who were delighted and began shouting "Axe and fire for the Turkish dogs."

At the end of the "modest" rally, Golden Dawn’s spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, "hero" Christos Pappas and Elias Panagiotaros, who has been no less cynical in his other acts, threw cups of taramasalata (roe spread) at the windows of the television station.

Then, the Golden Dawners followed their usual practice and uploaded a video of their "acts of heroism" in order to please their electorate. So far, the video has had more than 58,000 views and the comments below it are extremely encouraging about their behaviour, which may be full of dignity according to their marginalized communities, but which is improper for deputies.

The following comment was published on the web site for comments, and the majority of commentators work for Mega TV:

"This picture shows how Golden Dawn’s parliamentary representative Christos Pappas is pissing "with Greek superiority" at the entrance of Mega to symbolically express his disdain to Mehmed the Conqueror and Suleiman the Magnificent, despite the fact that Antenna TV broadcasts that particular series.

As a true successor to Nikitaras the Killer of Turks (the leader of an outlaw band during the Greek War of Independence - author's note), he showed his penis to the unarmed window and probably saw a frightened Turkish soldier behind it."

The angry text ends with the words, "The gentleman in the picture is an elected representative of the people! Thousands of our fellow citizens voted for him, sending him to parliament to represent them."

Reactions in social networks were not late in coming. In the photo collage below, there is an "advertising" message next to the photo of "hero" Christos Pappas, namely, "You let the cat out of the bag from time to time, don’t you? You become a laughing stock because you piss wherever you find yourself. You are not alone. There is a solution to your problem" and below it, there is a pack of "Golden Dawn" branded diapers for adults.

 "But who is the one who is peeing?" Sultan Suleiman is asking his trusted vizier Ibrahim, who is telling him, "A dealer, who is making a demonstration. He insists that his DNA is best for polishing the marble."

There is no yet information on whether the television channel will file a complaint against the organizers of the savage and unprecedented protest.

Tags: MediaMega TVGolden DawnChristos PappasProtestTurkish series
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