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Following the privatisation of OPAP, Hellenic State Lotteries will also be privatised

29 August 2013 / 09:08:43  GRReporter
2682 reads

Following the privatisation of the State lottery OPAP which happened some 10 days ago, the Greek state is about to do the same with Hellenic State Lotteries. Last week, a bill was submitted to Parliament that provides for a 12-year concession of the lottery in return for a one-time compensation amounting to 190 million euro. The Greek state will keep the New Year's lottery drawing and participate with a share in profits, which will provide it with an income of 550 million euro. For its part, the agent who will take the concession will be obliged to conduct lottery drawings, print and sell tickets, promote the lottery and ensure profits.

Last night, the bill was passed by the Committee on Finance and Economics, and today it will be discussed in the plenary hall. "This will be a great step forward in the privatisation programme of the government with a clear profit for the Greek state," said Finance Minister Yiannis Stournaras. He said that tourism revenues will be significant this year, which makes the government believe that the final results of the country's GDP for 2013 will be better than that initially expected.

Deputies of KKE and SYRIZA left the Committee on Finance and Economics in a sign of opposition to the privatisation of Hellenic State Lotteries. Member of New Democracy Dora Bakoyannis said that she was against the bill. Disagreement was also expressed by members of Golden Dawn and the Independent Greeks party. 

Tags: state lottery privatisation concession New Year drawing gains bill Parliament
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