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In the first half of February we are set on a sensual and emotional wave

29 January 2011 / 18:01:44  GRReporter
5696 reads


    In this article I will inform you what the "weather" features for the period February 1st to 15th and for which people this will matter. The climate is affecting in a different way the people. Note if in your personal horoscope there are planets in the areas I will mention. In the gallery attached to the article there is a table with the keywords, because the planets are related to different areas of life.
    I will write at the top which areas of the zodiac are affected in the first half of February. I will also write the dates when the Sun is in those areas and therefore affects the people born on these dates regardless of which year. For the other planets it is necessary to check your personal horoscope.

14 ° - 20 ° Aries (people born between 3rd and 10th of April)
25 ° Aries - 3 ° Taurus (people born between 15th and 23rd of April)
0 ° - 6 ° Gemini (people born between 21st and 27th of May)
21 ° - 27 ° Cancer (people born between 13th and 20th of July)
2 ° - 8 ° Leo (people born between 25th and 31st of July)
8 ° - 14 ° Leo (people born between July 31st and August 6th)
3 ° - 9 ° Libra (people born between September 26th and October 2nd)
0 ° - 6 ° Sagittarius (people born between 21st and 28th of November)
28 ° Sagittarius - 4 ° Capricorn (people born between 20th and 26th of December)
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius (people born between 22nd and 28th of January)
11 ° - 17 ° Pisces (people born between 1st and 6th of March)

    Look in the table which planet it is about and connect the key words for it with what I have written.

    Between February 8th to 13th each tends to be set on a more emotional and sensual wave. Regardless of the age, it is likely that almost all will experience a very deep need to be part of a community, to have access to a certain group of people or to just one single person. The desire for closeness with someone, to be connected with someone will come mightily in people's minds. Not just because of the upcoming lovers’ day. To feel that you're not alone - whether it is in happiness or unhappiness is particularly important.
    Hurting, however, may be frequent due to a refusal to be satisfied this need for contact with others, for sharing, for connectivity. These are days in which intimacy is in the throes, emotional and romantic proposals may drop like rain. But also refusals. For a part of the people these may be very happy days of closeness, while for others they may be filled with pain that they are denied one.
    In the period between February 1st to 15th people who have a planet in the area:
3 ° - 9 ° Libra
will feel pressure, like an electric current flowing through their veins, to make different challenges to people around them. And they themselves will receive a similar stimulation in their dealings with others. This tension leads to frequent falling into stressful situations, but the hidden idea is for these people to change different things in their life. The time has come to act decisively to part with some of your habits and fears, because the planetary energy states that the changes brought will not only help you avoid future mistakes, but also to bring more joy and pleasure in your life. Most people will probably be forced to do so with the help of others. But remember that aid is not always dressed in the form of goodwill and kind regards.

    The period February 1st to 15th for people who have a planet in the area:
2 ° - 8 ° Aquarius
continues to be charged with emotional tension and situations where the desire to express themselves can be a powerful engine to push them forward, to keep them alive. On the one hand these are emotions that bring stress in life, but on the other they are a great engine. For most people such tension is expressed as some internal crisis and will probably fall into situations in which they will be able to alleviate their condition through some experience.
    Different planets that are affected, bring the essence and source of this emotional stress. If it is Saturn, it would probably be the result of some restrictions and you may find yourself in a situation where you have the opportunity to overcome them. It is a completely different question whether you would want to do so.

Tags: astroschool horoscope star signs Galy planets forecasts
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