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Farmers and builders carried out the highest number of tax frauds in 2013

06 February 2014 / 11:02:29  GRReporter
2134 reads

The biggest tax frauds in 2013 were 52 farmers who had received enormous amounts in subsidies and had withhold as large amounts of VAT. Next on the list are as follows: builders, one fortune-teller, who has obviously failed to read his own future thus ending up in the hands of the Greek economic police, one actor, a former pilot who will apparently crash-land in front of the office of the economic prosecutor, and insurance and pharmaceutical companies. This list, of course, includes doctors as well.
The economic police have reported the following tax offenders to the prosecutor’s office:
In Attica region:
10 companies had submitted fictitious tax data amounting to 10,885,000 euro.
9 companies had presented false and fictitious data amounting to 6,470,000 euro.
A gold coin trading company had not issued tax receipts for 2013 amounting to 9,528,000 euro and it is still obliged to present data for 2012 and 2011, amounting to 11,489,000 euro.
An eye surgeon who had failed to issue receipts to patients to the amount of 1,561,000 euro.
A municipal company to Athens municipality had failed to issue receipts to 932 customers, thus owing unpaid taxes to the amount of 54,794 euro.
In a café and a bar, the economic police detected counterfeit cash registers that had concealed an income from 7,420 customers.
The tax inspection of deputy of Independent Greeks Pavlos Haikalis established that he had evaded taxes amounting to 55,000 euro in 2007.
An insurance company with a revoked licence had increased the valuation of property by 4 million euro to mislead the supervisory authorities to restore its licence.
A check of 68 Greek taxpayers who had concealed an income to the amount of 1,570,000 euro is underway, in collaboration with the Dutch authorities.
A former pilot of Olympic Airways had concealed an income of 1,457,000 euro.
In Thessaloniki:
A state hospital head had increased her family income by 631,937 euro and is currently being investigated by the prosecutor’s office.
A large pharmaceutical company had submitted fictitious data from an offshore company worth 7,000,000 euro.
Sports centres had issued fictitious invoices to different companies, being fined with 5,376,000 euro for doing so. These centres had concealed data for 1,870,000 euro in the past as well and the statutory fine was imposed on them.
Poor management of catering establishments at the University of Thessaloniki has caused damage to the institution; the case is being investigated by the prosecutor’s office.
A famous fortune-teller had forgotten to declare an income of 700,000 euro.
In Epirus:
A consortium had issued four fictitious invoices to obtain illegal subsidies; the fine imposed on it amounts to 1,380,000 euro.
Four car mechanics had obtained 18 fictitious invoices amounting to 1,000,000 euro.
In central Greece:
A car dealer had been unable to prove the origin of 8,600,000 euro in his bank accounts.
A cafeteria and coffee wholesaler had used unregistered cash registers in the period 2009-2013, issuing 102,977 receipts without paying the relevant VAT and other taxes on them.

Tags: Tax fraudsConcealed incomeEconomic policeProsecutor's inspectionCorruption
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