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The economic crisis and long term unemployment shorten life

10 January 2012 / 22:01:09  GRReporter
7108 reads

What abnormalities are observed in the relationships within families who suffer the most from the consequences of the economic crisis - unemployment and shortage of funds?

The negative consequences for the woman appear in another important area. That of sexual behavior. Research conducted by the Society Studying the Human Sexuality in 2010 shows that the reforms in the social security system imposed by the economic crisis (a longer work experience and more years of work) affect women much more than men, and they mainly affect their sex life. There is a change in the relationships between women and men who are sexual partners, like Lysistrata in Aristophanes’ comedy.

In the story of Lysistrata, she "punished" the man-lover/father for the wrongdoings that he brought with his policy in "Polis", where the focus is of course on war. Lysistrata requires the man to reach peace, depriving the male population of the joys of love and affection.

The survey from 2010 shows that 72% of women surveyed responded that the economic crisis has a very negative effect on their sexual desire, unlike men, where this percentage is much smaller. However the desire of the woman is not only aimed at the vulnerable phallic symbol, but it is also the position of self-punishment through eunuchisation of her orgasm.

We ask ourselves why women are more affected in this respect than men and the answer lies perhaps in the coded place of the woman as the guardian of the hearth in the prosperous modern urban society. The woman in the modern Western world where, after endless struggles and sacrifices, she already plays an important role in the evolution of economic life. Unfortunately women did not have enough time to prepare mentally to be equal to men, who have previous experience with the phenomena of recession and devaluation. In simple terms, just as the woman managed to get equality with men and reached the long desired independence and financial (and only) autonomy, she suffered a serious blow that literally brought her to her knees. The history that is yet to be written will show how the representatives of the two genders will deal with the current challenges.

Is there a link between the loss of libido and personal failures in the public plan?

While world history has shown us that during disasters, wars and suffering, the primary instincts of human reproduction and the impulses of life prevail, in times of economic crises sexual desire cannot prevail and the destructive impulses are stronger. The destructive impulses are those that prevent us from moving forward, they are pulling us back, as if their ultimate goal is not for life to go on, but to take us back and restart the course from a certain point, in which it has deviated from the traditional route.

The first study, conducted in 2008, about the relationship between sex and economic recession, which was carried out by the Andrological Institute and the Society Studying the Human Sexuality showed that there is a very sharp decline in sexual contact with couples and this phenomenon is due to increasing financial problems.

It seems that in this period no matter how hard we try to leave the problems of everyday life and work behind us when we arrive home or leave them outside the bedroom, this cannot happen. Under the pressure of the hard economic conditions, problems, lack of time and uncertain future mainly for the children, the joy of life and the pleasure of love are thrown into the background.

In this study, very few of the Greek respondents had reported sex as an important part of their relations. When actually asked "What do you consider most important in your relationship?", 42% had answered that the most important thing was their economic situation, 31% their emotional condition and only 16% - answered sex. At this point it became clear, that the old understanding that the poor accept the blows of life easier and have a better sex life is no longer valid. The famous saying that a couple is brought closer together and the differences are resolved with good sex, seems to be proved completely altered. People under economic pressure are less interested in carnal pleasures, and regard as important other factors such as financial stability, security, friendship, support and less sex.

According to the same study, six out of every ten respondents said that the reasons for their poor sex lives include "financial problems" with 41% and another 21% selecting "work stress". Similar results were shown also by the study conducted in 2008 by the same institutions up until last year. If a title had to be chosen for the survey results in 2011, it would sound like this: "The funeral of the economy and the resurrection of the libido". 63% of all respondents say that their sexual desire has not been affected at all by the economic crisis, while 17% of male participants in the survey said that their libido has even increased. The conclusion is that indeed the sexuality and social relations of people can be affected and hurt by the economic crisis, however ultimately the man with his spirit is the great winner.

To be continued.

Tags: Society healthcare economic crisis sexuality
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