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Earn 2,500 euro per acre of snail farm

27 November 2013 / 22:11:48  GRReporter
20797 reads

Opportunities as well as traps hide behind one of the most popular investments in the agricultural sector in recent years.

It is connected with snail farming which can secure a net profit of up to 2,500 euro per acre, provided, however, that the investor has signed a commercial contract for the realization of the production.

Snail farming, in its modern version, began in Greece in 2008. The established farming systems are the following:
• extensive (open-type) farming and
• intensive (closed-type) farming

The two farming systems differ because the farmers use different methods.

The main species of snails raised in Greece and in Europe are
• Helix aspersa maxima
• Helix aspersa Muller.

In the first five years of snail farming in Greece, things did not work out particularly well, as stated by agronomist Abraham Nikolaidis. Hundreds of snail farms were opened, the average capacity of those using the open-type system being 5 acres and 1 acre of those using the closed-type system. However, "poor" know-how and the inconsistency of the companies engaged in snail farming forced some of them to close and others to seek new know-how, despite the losses incurred.

The cost of these farms varies between 25,000 euro and 40,000 euro per farm.

"A problem encountered by snail farmers is the realization of production. Consumers are not yet accustomed to including snails on the menu and the external market primarily demands a processed, finished product. It turned out that the processing industry was unprepared since there were no such processing companies in Greece," adds Abraham Nikolaidis.


There already are some small companies in different areas of Greece that process their own production of snails. The snail farmers will need cooperation so that they can produce an amount sufficient for processing and be able to export the finished product.

The standardization of the product by the farmers themselves will create added value to the product.

Snail farming is a special and difficult process and every future farmer will need the following:

• Knowledge of farming and patience because the first income will come after 18 months.
• An area ​​of 5 acres minimum in order for the activity to be worth starting.

The first results appear after a year and a half but this is largely dependent on the management on the part of the farmer. The average yield is in the range of 800 kg/acre and the maximum 1,500 kg/acre. If we take the lowest average yield of 800 kg/acre, the income per acre amounts to 2,500 euro whereas the annual operating costs amount to 500 euro.

The wholesale price of the fresh product achieved by the farmers at present is about 3 euro/kg and the consumer price is 5 euro/kg when the farmers sell their own production alone.

New-starters in snail farming, using the extensive approach, should initially bear in mind the following rules that will help them achieve better results:

Selection of a suitable plot. The agricultural land must be outside a city or village and away from residential areas, buildings, etc. in order for the construction and the functioning of the farm to be permitted. Water in the soil should be well drained and the land should be sloping in order for the snails to not live in a "pool". It would be better if the plot were located near the residence of the farmer, for fast access, etc. It is also important to be careful when choosing the size of the plot as it would be better to allow for a possible expansion of the production.

At the initial stage, it is necessary to destroy any insects and parasites, as well as slugs that are a considerable problem.

Water should be clean and free of toxic, heavy metals, with a neutral pH. The maximum water consumption is 8,000 litres per acre daily.

Creeping (white) clover (Trifolium repens), reaching 20-30 cm in length, should be used as food. It is a perennial plant living longer than 5 years; its leaves are delicious for snails and rich in protein (the protein content is 25%-30%) but, on the other hand, the snails do not eat it up as fast as other plants. The clover provides very good shade for the snails, protecting them from direct sunlight. The use of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is recommended.

As the snails should not leave the specified area, it may be fenced with iron sheet.

The snails can also eat fodder of good quality.

The snail farmers usually use durable materials to make the feeders. The total area of all feeders varies between 20% and 40% of the area of ​​the farm.

Strict control and hygiene are necessary too.

The production cycle, i.e. the time from bringing the eggs to the farm to the raising of the snails until they become a ready product, is nearly 4 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of open-type farming systems

The term "open-type snail farm" means a plot surrounded by sheet iron, in which there are separate areas of a certain size that are planted with grasses which are the staple food for snails.

This type of farm raises sexually mature snails that feed on plants, mate, breed, lay their eggs and generally live until their life cycle is completed and they are offered in the market. In other words, the snails live in a natural environment, which is controlled by man, as close as possible to nature, but following a specific food chain.


Tags: Snail farmProductionMarkteing of production
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