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Due to the West Nile fever the term for mosquito control is extended by one month

15 August 2010 / 09:08:46  GRReporter
5114 reads

Upon recommendation of sanitary standard authorities the fight against mosquitoes in northern Greece is extended by a month. Normally the disinfestment and spray with repellents continues until today, August 15. However, because of the frequent cases of infection with West Nile fever, caused by mosquito bites this term has been extended until September 15.
    The total number of cases of infection with the West Nile virus in Greece became 34, ie two more than the last report of the Centre for Epidemiology Diseases Control which registered 32 people. The last two cases are of young people. A 12-years-old girl from the region of Pellas is treated from meningitis caused by a mosquito bite in the Infectious Diseases Hospital in Thessaloniki. Her condition is stable and not there is no threat for her life. The condition of the 20-years-old young man in Ceres is also stable, who few days ago was admitted in a local hospital with high temperature and fever. He will remain under medical supervision for prophylactic reasons.
    The remaining people infected with West Nile virus in Greece are elderly people over 70 years old.

Tags: West Nile fever mosquitoes disinfestment health Hippocrates successors
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