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Diaries which adore fashion

08 May 2010 / 09:05:24  GRReporter
3598 reads

Internet fashionistas write their diaries since 2002. Many of the bloggers were immediately obsessed by the fashion magazines and some of them are to be found on the first rows during the fashion shows while others made some good money from their blogs.

For example Μichelle Μadhoc’s blog brings her 300,000 dollars a year for 2004 and two years later Μanolo’s Shoe Βag (not Blahnik) cashed 700,000 dollars. Local bloggers are also fighting for their share in the cyberspace over the past two years. They shoot and upload photos of stylish Athenians, give advices for clever shopping and record everything that attracts their interest.


The architect of the online fashion

26-year old Penelope Kapnula has graduated architecture and few years ago she opens the first foreign fashion blogs, begins visiting them daily and communicating with the creators and their readers. "The blog was the natural continuation of this dialogue, along with my obsession to photograph my outfits and new purchases." And so in April 2008 she starts her own blog Fashion Αrchitect, Penelope says for the newspaper Vima.


The hobby of a man created a women’s fashion e-spot

Fashion has long ceased to be solely women's work and an example of this is "We decided as a bit of fun during a trip! We were looking at how most of the girls run around with fashion magazines and on the network until then there was not a single big website which is about fashion," says George Gritzalas - one of three founders of

The site deals with stylistic suggestions, new trends, combinations of clothes, tips on diets and sports, tips for makeup and hair styles.

From Athens to Los Angeles


streetgeist is the well known creation of Alkistis Tsituri and Aris Katarakis - two friends since childhood who love photography, design and fashion. "Alkistis graduated from a photographic school and is getting ready for a Masters program and I graduated economics and I work as a web consultant - e-marketeer.streetgeist is one of our projects and is also our hobby. The idea of creating the site came from the already existing sites such as the sartorialist, facehunter, hel-looks και άλλα πολλά!» tells the 27-year-old Aris Katarakis.

Tags: Society Media Fashion Blog Style
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