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Despite the crisis, Greece has launched its first satellite

14 July 2014 / 11:07:02  GRReporter
3104 reads

The launch of L-sat, the first satellite made ​​by Greek scholars, was a great success.

The launch took place at 7:52 pm Greek time at the NASA base in Virginia, USA. It was originally scheduled for midnight (Greek time), on Friday, but was postponed due to bad weather.

The Greek mini-satellite weighing about 2 kg is "flying" on board NASA’s Anteres rocket, which in turn has taken to space Cygnus spaceship that is carrying 1,657 tons of scientific and supporting material for the International Space Station (ISS).

As announced by NASA on Twitter, the whole process has been running smoothly so far, and the spacecraft that is carrying the valuable load is already in orbit.

It is expected that Cygnus spacecraft will reach the Station on 16 July.

The astronauts on the International Space Station will put the satellite into orbit around the Earth.

The L-sat will make it possible to carry out experiments with graphene as well as to establish how it interacts with radiation.

In addition, the satellite will monitor the Greek merchant ships to protect them from pirate attacks.

It should be noted that the launch on Sunday was the second of the eight launches commissioned by NASA to the private company Orbital Sciences Corporation.

Tags: Greek satelite NASAInternational Space StationCygnus
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