Insulting and offensive is probably the most common phenomenon in our human world; it is even more common than praising, encouraging and congratulating. People say that we can forgive but not forget, but this is actually not forgiveness. We have not forgiven, especially if we have not yet been able to return the insult. Today's article is about the ways in which we take revenge when we are offended and insulted. There is an interesting pattern: we tend to quickly and easily "forgive" someone's kindness, but rarely try to respond to it properly. We somehow automatically think that good deeds are gratuitous, i.e. they are something which does not need retribution, remuneration and compensation, or at least not necessarily, but only in case we have the opportunity. On the contrary, deep insults are always hard to forget and we literally look for a way to return them at any cost.
The most common phrase which we use when we are offended is "You are going to pay me for this." The meaning of these words shows that we feel as if something which is very expensive and valuable for us has been destroyed. And those who destroyed it must pay us.

In astrology, the things we cherish most – both tangible and intangible - are defined by the position of Venus, the second house in our personal horoscope, and Taurus, which is the original second sign in the zodiac. Usually only wonderful things are said and written about Venus, such as love, values, beauty, grace, etc. Of course, they are correct, but this is not the full picture. The Aztecs and Mayans associated Venus with violence; the planet symbolized not only love, but also war. So, if we want to understand what offends us most deeply and causes a desire for revenge, we should seek precisely "wonderful" Venus in the horoscope.
Practically, however, the position of Mars in the personal horoscope is responsible for the ways in which we take revenge for an insult. Mars shows how we act in life, how we fight, how we get what we want, etc. We can make the following analogy: "Venus wants, and Mars acts".

In astrology, this planet is classified as a rogue and a symbol associated with troubles and problems. Actually, this is not true. Indeed, it is bad when a person is injured or in trouble. But what can be bad about a person fighting for his or her rights and winning a competition? This is again symbolic of Mars. In practice, a person with a less active Mars in his or her personal horoscope can be very good and not engage in trouble, but his or her victories in life will be insignificant, as well.
Therefore, if we want to know how we would take revenge when someone has insulted and offended us, we should take into account where Mars is situated in the horoscope – the position in the zodiac sign, the house position and aspects of other planets. I would like to say it once again - the urge for revenge is not catalysed by Mars, but by Venus. If we want to realise the extent to which a person is vindictive, it is necessary to take Venus into account. Very often, when the position of Mars in the horoscope is somehow "sinister", this fact actually carries only positive things for the person - he or she is simply not vindictive, but combative and guides his or her actions towards achievements, and not towards a "sweet revenge."
I will describe the information which the position of Mars gives us according to the sign and house in the personal horoscope in terms of how we act and what tools we use in order to make it up to those who have offended us. The sign position of Mars tells us "how" we do it, as well as how much strength and momentum we “invest” in this. The house position tells us what tools we use, and what “equipment” we have and put into use.

Mars in Aries or in the 1st house
You act absolutely directly and often offend and insult others. If you find yourself in a situation which is offensive to you, you proceed to strike back without delay, not looking for someone else’s support, help or advice. You respond to the insult almost immediately and you are not afraid of conflicts of any kind. The “tools” you use are directness, honesty, and sincerity, and you do not think about what is acceptable and what is not. Often, you can use your fists or any object which falls into your hands in a moment of anger. It is generally recommended that those who have decided to insult you should watch their head - literally. Your personal power is the first and foremost tool which you use. You rarely suffer offensive situations deeply, since you react violently in the very first moment and others are just always careful from then on.

Mars in Taurus or in the 2nd house