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Big businesses want a responsible political opposition

11 May 2010 / 15:05:10  GRReporter
3402 reads

Victoria Mindova

President of the Hellenic Chamber of Industry Dimitris Daskalopolos urged the President of the oppositional New Democracy Antonis Samaras to show civil and political conscience and support the Government in its difficult task to carry out the necessary economic reforms to rescue the country from financial collapse. He reminded the members of New Democracy that until “yesterday” they were the ruling power and today all must participate in the process of saving Greece from absolute bankruptcy. "The bankruptcy of the country cannot solely be avoided by these measures. We need to create a new ideological and political basis on which to build our society. Opposition forces must protect the rise of the real economy," said the head of Industrialists. Today was annual meeting of the Hellenic Chamber of Industry and Dimitris Daskalopulos was re-elected as its chairman. 

New Democracy leader Antonis Samaras criticized the current government. He spoke of PASOK’s party propaganda and stated categorically that the administration of George Papandreou tries to avoid political responsibility for the consequences of their actions. The leader of the right-wing party accused government officials for passing every problem on the back of the former government of New Democracy. The blue leader clarified that the socialist government has set out on a wrong direction result of which is the activation of bilateral financial mechanism with the participation of the International Monetary Fund in Greece. The stringent economic measures will further aggravate the difficult economic situation in the country and will lead to a long recession, said Samaras. His position is that the Greek political opposition should boost the country to come out from the "trap" of the bilateral financial mechanism. 

For his part, the President of the Greek industrialists Dimitris Daskalopolos believes that the package of bilateral financial assistance will enable the government to make all necessary changes, which have been delayed for years. This way Greece will have the opportunity to become a modern and effective country, as it was always supposed to be. This was announced by the re-elected President of the Hellenic Chamber of Industry in front of reporters in connection with the recent changes in economic life in the country. He said that the Greek people must accept the emergency economic measures as inevitable treatment rather than punishment, because only through their implementation it will be possible to reach an effective economic recovery. 

Dimitris Daskalopolos said that the reform of the social security system is indispensable, because Social Security cannot continue to be an economic problem and yielding high deficit of the country, but it must become a system to protect citizens. 

Dimitris Daskalopolos is President of the Hellenic Chamber of Industrialists since May 2006 and for the period 2002-2006 he was vice-chairman. Daskalopolos was a board member of the Greek industrialists since 1989. New members of the Management Board of Industrial Chamber are Evripidis Dondas - representative of the industrial circles of northern Greece, Fedon Kuniniotis - industrialist from the Peloponnese and Western Greece, Alexandros Makridis - owner of a company for the import of industrial parts and Ilias Paniaras - manager ΤΙΤΑΝ AD.

Tags: Greece economy crisis measures reforms
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