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The benefit from risk and the harm done by "common sense"

24 October 2014 / 11:10:57  GRReporter
5626 reads

     They say "If youth but knew, and if age but could". I always connect this phrase with a person's ability to turn to adventures and to "plunge" into them. The more a person is settled, established and aware of different things, the less he or she is prone to adventures. This is not directly dependent on age - the phrase is symbolic. Adventure means courage, to replace the comfortable with the uncomfortable, give up what you know and turn to the unknown, to abandon common sense. Brave man is always a bit mad because he or she does not know, has no experience,  he or she is like a young child who, before touching hot water, does not know that it will burn him or her. Courage is in the lack of knowledge, in "youth." There are things in terms of which a person is "young" even in his or her old age as well as those in which he or she is "old" in his or her youth.
     Today’s article is about things in terms of which we are most likely to be unreasonable, embark on adventures, and be adventurous. In other words, in terms of what we remain eternally young and green but brave and have the opportunity to refresh our life, making it interesting, to lose but also to win. In which life area we play the "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" game, being unable to ever learn to be reasonable. Do not brand lack of reason and idolize reasonableness. Sometimes being reasonable is quite boring and the best things happen to us when we are unreasonable.
     In astrology, Capricorn is the zodiac sign that is associated with the zeal for gaining knowledge, examining the world and life in all their possible dimensions, learning through experience, rather than through dull theory. In a sense, the energy of Sagittarius leads to the curiosity that drives us to try things alone, embark on an adventure, understand in order for you to learn. Never-failing optimism leads to that courage, which is inherent to youth and unreasonableness. Therefore, all that expands horizons and leads to gaining wisdom, knowledge and experience falls within the symbolism of this sign. It is associated with our worldview, with the philosophical positions that we have in life, with education, which we achieve through personal experience and with the help of which we build our ideas and beliefs. These are all our internal laws by which we live in the world. Sagittarius is also the sign of luck because we can win only if we forget that we have failed before, not allowing "common sense" to hinder us.
    Another very curious thing is also typical for Sagittarius, although it may seem odd at first glance. It is depression and melancholy. This is quite natural and I will give you a very simple example. Each of us has found ourself in a situation when an exciting experience, filled with many great adventures, ends. This can be a trip, participation in an event, competition, project. What happens when it is over? There comes emptiness, silence. Life seems grey, dull, joyless. However, this only lasts until the next adventure appears.
     The section of the personal horoscope that falls within the sign of Sagittarius is the field of adventure in your life. In it, you tend to be reckless and unreasonable, to always explore and experience new and exciting things; the courage of youth, even if you are advanced in age, accompanies you in this sphere. In this area, you never grow up, you have inexhaustible optimism and you are always ready for another adventure.
     Read the information on the sign of your ascendant in order to find out which section (house) of your personal horoscope falls within the sign of Sagittarius. You can view the information according to your sun sign too. Combine them as follows: the ascendant sets the actual events and the sun sets the experience you have to gain in order to turn it into wisdom. For example, your ascendant is Aries and it shows that you are prone to embarking on adventurous trips, and your sun sign is Virgo, which shows that while travelling you collect experience and wisdom in matters relating to property and to how to determine the best location for living.
     Ascendant or Sun in Aries
     Sagittarius covers the Ninth house in the horoscope. The field of adventures and ventures for you is related to trips abroad, contacts with foreigners, foreign culture and traditions. You tend to be reckless and unreasonable in this area, to always explore and experience new and exciting things, the courage of youth accompanies you in this field; you have inexhaustible optimism and you are always ready for another adventure. You gain a lot of experience and knowledge from all places in the world that you have the opportunity to visit. You are one of those people who are able to pack up for a few hours and go on a journey to any destination, without organizing anything. You tend to show a certain dose of adventurism in terms of education, by abruptly changing your subject of study. You have a very adaptable life philosophy and moral principles, in which you are adventurous - you tend to easily give up, modify them "accordingly" and venture in search of a universal ideology.
     Ascendant or Sun in Taurus

Tags: SagittariusAdventuresCommon senseExperienceAscendantSun signZodiac signsIndividual horoscopeGalyAstro school
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