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Awaiting Fashion's Night Out in Athens

10 September 2009 / 15:09:25  GRReporter
4102 reads

For the first time in fashion history Vogue organizes a fashion night called Fashion's Night Out. The event will take place in Athens, New York and in the biggest cities in India, Spain, China, Great Britain, Russia, Brazil, Taiwan... The most important thing is that during Fashion Night Out Greece, which is dedicated to the "Anti-stigma" campaign - initiative of Athens municipality, many boutiques in the center of Athens will organize parties and will offer many discounts and surprises. Dozens of brand boutiques and malls will participate and Greek celebrities will contribute for the most glamorous night.

Many of the stores have planned to offer a 20% discount between 06:00PM and 09:00PM and all clients will be able to enjoy a cold glass of champagne in some of the luxurious boutiques in Kolonaki. The festal mood will transfer from the stores to the streets, where there will be happenings, beauty stands and a big lottery game.

Especially for this day Vogue Hellas has made collectors T-shirts "Fashion's Night Out," which will cost €10 and all income from the sales will be deposited in support of the program "Anti-stigma Athens: City without diversity," which aims to erase discrimination and social stigmatization of social groups, which include people with disabilities, homeless, psychologically ill, immigrants, AIDS victims. This week the central Varkio market will give out clothes and shoes for homeless people, which have been gather throughout the last month.


Tags: NewsMediaEventsMedia news Fashion Vogue Fashion Night Out Athens Greece
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