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Art against acts of violence by anarchists

26 May 2015 / 17:05:57  GRReporter
3232 reads

The University of Macedonia will send a message, albeit symbolically, of optimism and a positive mood through a special presentation of a unique work of art on Thursday in the lobby of the university.

A piano owned by the university, which became the victim of vandals 3 years ago and was set on fire, became the starting material in the hands of a young artist, Vassilis Alexandrou. Thus, the burnt piano has been transformed into a work of art and from a monument of violence and senseless destruction, it has become a symbol of creativity and the fight against violence.

Vassilis Alexandrou has "healed" the wounds of the piano and defines his actions as follows: "A product of a violent act, the "dead body" of the big musical instrument largely summarizes the torn climate, the disorientation but also the overall impasse at Greek universities in recent years."

The Rector of the University of Macedonia, Prof. Ahileas Zapranis has accepted the proposal of the young artist, believing that the work has a special dynamic. "The image of a ruined musical instrument is shocking. Simultaneously, however, it sends an important message. The burnt piano may not play music any longer but as a work of art, it "shouts" no more violence and outrage in any form. We do not want something like that to happen again, either at the University of Macedonia, or anywhere else. The lights of publicity should turn to universities, with regard to other important developments in education and research. This is the message we are sending to the whole of society."

The event will show both the active participation of students in the daily life and development of the university and its harmonization with the guidelines given by the university rector and lecturers - guidelines that feature a particular sensitivity to the role of arts in achieving academic goals.

The artwork will be on display in the university lobby at 1:00 pm on Thursday. During the event, students from the Faculty of Music will perform works composed on occasion of the incident with the burnt piano and a video by Panos Budouroglou will be screened too. The burnt musical body will play music again performed by musician and restorer of antique and Byzantine artworks at the Museum of Byzantine Art in Thessaloniki Lazaros Apokatanidis.


Tags: ArtBurnt pianoUniversity of Macedonia
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