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live Archaeological thriller in Amphipolis

12 August 2014 / 09:08:44  GRReporter
3454 reads

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras is on his way to ancient Amphipolis, where archaeologists have discovered an important tomb, as reported by the Greek media. It is expected that he will visit Kasta hill and examine the site of the archaeological excavations. Minister of Culture Kostas Tasoulas and the Prime Minister’s wife Georgia Samara are travelling along with him as well.

All data suggest that an important archaeological discovery is about to be announced. For several days, a significant number of policemen have been guarding, 24 hours a day the excavation site that is located near the present town of Amphipolis in Northern Greece. According to various sources, the archaeologists have discovered the tomb of an eminent person connected with the family of Alexander the Great. The unique size of the mound complex the length of which is 500 m is in favour of the assumptions too.

Despite the scarce information on the progress of the excavations, the tomb is probably in its original form and has not become the subject of attacks by seekers.

The Greek Prime Minister arrived in the area shortly after 10:00 am. He turned to the people of Amphipolis whom he met before visiting the excavations by saying, "Be patient for a few days." Samaras, his wife and the Minister of Culture entered the archaeological complex to be informed on the findings by archaeologist Catherine Peristeri.

The journalists and TV crews that were on site were not allowed to enter the complex and cover the visit, after which the Greek Prime Minister said, "We are convinced that a very important discovery is in store. The land of Macedonia continues to fill us with excitement and to surprise us by uncovering from its depths unique treasures that, put together, form the unique mosaic of Greek history of which the Greeks are proud."

"A unique monument has been found here. A complex with a perimeter of 497 m that forms an almost perfect circle, built with marble from Thassos. The Lion of Amphipolis has a height of 5.20 m and we can imagine it on top of the tomb. Two marble sphinxes stand at the entrance as guards. A 4.5 m wide road leads to it as well as walls carved with frescoes that show how the complex was built. I believe all these things have made archaeologist Ms. Peristeri optimistic to believe that the complex is a unique tumulus that dates back to 325-300 BC, as she informed us. Of course, the excavations are the key factor that will reveal who was buried in it. They will continue at the pace required by both the discovery and scientific ethics. Once again I would like to express my congratulations to Ms. Peristeri and her associates," added the Greek Prime Minister.

According to newly-elected mayor of Amphipolis Konstantinos Melitos, "the visit of the Prime Minister shows that the excavations have uncovered something big and important." In statements to the Greek news agency AMNA he added that "the region and Greece will become famous throughout the world."

Tags: HistoryArchaelogical excavationsAmphipolisAncient tombAlexander the GreatAntonis Samaras
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