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60 000 Greek firms moving to Bulgaria after capital controls

19 July 2015 / 19:07:43  GRReporter
2859 reads

60 000 Greek companies have applied to relocate in Bulgaria because of the control on capital movement and the government's inability to deal with their urgent problems. This is what  the President of the Hellenic Confederation of Commerce & Entrepreneurship, Vassilis Korkidis, said before SKAI TV.

"The Prime Minister should read the letter we sent back in January to avoid business run (...). You understand what is happening in the economy," said Korkidis.

He added that the commission for verification of capital controls has not come forward with solutions of the most acute problems of Greek companies.

"I doubt this news (...). you are in a great hurry, Mr. Korkidis, I suppose you sponsor those who leave? Our priority now are the citizens (...). The recapitalisation of banks with €25 billion will provide relief vis-a-vis bad loans to both companies and least wealthy citizens," replied SYRIZA's parliamentary representative Nikos Phyllis, thus prompting Korkidis' response.

"The problem has been in place since June last year, but it was aggravated by capital controls," said Potami MP Antigone Lyberaki. "Let us take the necessary measures, there is no quick way to build trust, what we need is perseverance," she added, and argued that opinions and positions should be approximated and national accord achieved instead of confrontation.

Tags: Vassilis Korkidis relocation to Bulgaria capital controls Greek companies
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