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15 000 police officers every day deal with illegal immigrants

05 May 2011 / 10:05:17  GRReporter
5870 reads

"We have to insist to improve the centre of Athens and to deal with illegal immigration. There is a way to cope and the first thing we should do is make clear to Europe that the times when Greece, Italy and Spain could handle such huge waves of migrants have gone by. Today, the first objective of the foreign policy should be to change the Dublin II agreement. The second serious issue is the deportation, which is expensive and would need the support of the European Union and the allocation of the cost. The third issue is associated with the Greek police that have made serious steps towards improvement, but their way of operation should be improved too. There is also no infrastructure to do their job, "said the founder of Democratic Alliance Dora Bakoyannis, who attended the event.

Tags: NewsSocietyDowntown AthensCapitalDrugsCrimeIllegal immigration
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