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There are no fully stable insurance companies

23 September 2010 / 11:09:06  GRReporter
6678 reads

How do you see the future of private insurance in Greece in the medium term? Do you think there is a danger to the survival of other private insurers as happened with Aspis and Commercial Value?

Some leaders of certain international insurance companies of low turnover rate on the Greek insurance market would like the recovery process in the country to continue so that other Greek companies in the sector to close down. Personally, I think there are still companies that experience serious difficulties with their liquid funds and financial stocks, but I do not accept and support the idea of revoking the licenses of these companies. The market requires us to seek other alternatives but the main goal remains to keep reliability and propriety. The Auxiliary Fund, the Private Life Insurance Guarantee Fund and other similar organizations are the tools that can prevent similar unpleasant incidents. Adverse market conditions in a period of crisis do not help the economic development, but put the things in order.

What measures, in your opinion, should the government take to ensure a more secure and competitive insurance market?

It should require the funds needed to establish and manage an insurance company to double compared with the funds required at present. And this should be based on the experience of the European insurance companies that have faced and overcome the same difficulties 10-20 years ago.

How do you assess the policy of the socialist government so far? Do you think that some measures could be delayed or not have been applied at all? Which of them, if so?

We have no socialist government. We have a party that contains the word "socialism" in its abbreviation and the leader of this party is chairman of the Socialist International. Our government is controlled by the expert Troika (the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission) and has given up its ideology.

Can you forecast the future of the insured in Aspis? Is there any danger to lose their money forever?

There is a great danger, but I hope this will not happen.

Have you observed the insurance market in Bulgaria and how would you compare it to the Greek market?

Bulgaria's transition from a strictly programmed economy to the free market and the European Union has coincided with the onset of a very deep crisis. According to my observations, the Bulgarian insurance market can boast of a well-developed supervision system.


Tags: EconomyMarketsPrivate insuranceFundsInvestments
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