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Taste of impending changes in December

01 December 2014 / 15:12:43  GRReporter
6137 reads

     In December, the atmosphere around you will be good and positive, but you will have different tasks in terms of partnerships and contracts (personal and professional), you may be faced with requirements and restrictions. You will put a lot of energy into financial issues, material acquisitions, investments. The conditions in the professional field will be tenser, you may face irreversible circumstances, both in a positive, and not so positive, direction. You will be vulnerable in financial terms but you will have a chance to find some sudden solutions to quickly obtain additional resources. Your love life may slightly shake.
     26 September - 9 October
     In December, the atmosphere around you will be more intense and restless. It will bring issues related to your life and daily round, to personal responsibilities and working conditions. You will put a lot of energy into your tasks, into proving yourself, into your personal image and productivity. Some of you may be thinking about changing your workplace. The situation in professional terms will be tense, you will be faced with major requirements but also obstacles. The financial situation will be favourable, you may decide to make some investments due to personal business ventures. Your love life will quietly develop and you will be in good positions.
     10 October - 22 October
     In December, the atmosphere around you will be calm, but there will be serious tasks relating to your home, place of residence, children. Your internal comfort may shake a little. You will put a lot of energy into your social circle, friends and benefactors, into achieving personal goals and intentions. Some of you may travel. You will be busier in professional terms, you will have more tasks but the conditions will be calm in general. The financial conditions will change, but you can find support and benefactors. Your love life will bring a need for improvement and for taking care of ordinary things in it.
     23 October - 4 November
     In December, the atmosphere around you will be very dynamic and active, you may travel more, deal with personal initiatives, but also face more serious rivalry and competition. You will put a lot of energy into your professional realization, career, education, relationships with eminent figures, managers. In the professional field, you can expect changes and sudden development opportunities. The financial conditions to accumulate resources, material acquisitions and to make investments will be very good. Your love life will be quite prolific, there will be some abundance around you.
     5 November - 18 November
     In December, the atmosphere around you will be productive. There will be conditions to build a good and stable basis, especially in the material field. However, you may initially run into obstacles. You will put a lot of energy into dealing with a challenge relating to other people’s resources (bank loans, joint assets). In professional terms, the month will be tense and more dynamic. The financial sphere will not be in the best position, but you can contact a more stable source. Your love life will bring rivalry and competition.
     19 November - 1 December
     In December, the atmosphere around you will apparently change, you will enter a very important period for you personally, in terms of image, appearance, vision, behaviour. At first you may feel some personal constraints with which you will have to comply. You will put a lot of energy into partnerships, both personal and professional, in contracts and agreements. In professional terms there will be many opportunities to take on additional commitments, positions, responsibilities. The financial conditions will be favourable for “cleaning up” and “refreshing” your financial status. Your love life may bring positive surprises.
     2 December - 14 December
     In December, the atmosphere around you will have a "taste" of impending changes that will unfold in the coming months. At first, you will feel it in your social circle, friends, benefactors as you will encounter obstacles, restrictions, you will lose contact. You will put a lot of energy into your life and daily round as well as into personal responsibilities and working conditions. In the professional sphere, you may start looking for a new path or you may be offered additional commitments. The financial conditions will demand more of your time and attention to revive and diversify the financial situation. You love life will bring hostility, you may get into conflicts.
     15 December - 28 December
     In December, the atmosphere around you will be successful and supportive. You will have to make important decisions particularly in relation to your professional development and career. On the one hand, the conditions will be restrictive but opportunities to have a firm stance in a situation will be available on the other. You will put a lot of energy into your home, family, residence, children. In the professional sphere, as I said, you can expect important events and opportunities. However, you may encounter confrontation with bosses and eminent persons. The financial conditions will be very good for increasing the financial flow. Your love life will bring good luck and happiness.

Tags: Astrological forecast for DecemberSaturnNew MoonPlanetsZodiac signsIndividual horoscopeGalyAstro school
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