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Street stories: “I would like to open up a cabaret”

09 April 2010 / 11:04:40  GRReporter
5031 reads

“They drink many things. Right now there is a trend for cocktails. We make them here in the classical style. In the last few years the consumption of beer also defiantly increased. Once upon a time people didn’t drink as much beer, there was no beer philosophy in Greece. While in Europe drinking beer is like drinking coffee for us. We don’t have the culture of drinking beer, however we are getting there with the years passing. Wine is also a preferred drink. The girls are often ordering wine so they don’t get fat”. (he laughs)

About going out and the habits of the people today:

“The so called “after office” events are becoming more and more popular”. I am talking about an afternoon consumption – between the hours of 19:00 and 22:00. It is logical that if you woke up at 7:00 or 8:00 o’clock in the morning you cannot go out late at night. (Unless you are a student). If you do it you might not be able to go to work or even open your eyes…”

About himself and his dreams:

“I work in this field for 23 years all ready… I would like to open a cabaret… Unfortunately currently the situation is a bit strange. I would like to have in it a stage, music and theatrical atmosphere. I dream that there is also a dressing room where we could change with different costumes and make performances. And when the client comes he wouldn’t see the same people serving him… He will see a person from the staff in clothes which right away will take him to a far destination. To be as if you are watching a performance… In this way the client will be at the same time in Sofia, Paris, Los Angelis everywhere. I am not talking about strange and odd things or about something extreme, but rather for something more classical. I like the classics. Something which is more in “burlesque” style as we like to say around here. Something to make you feel euphorically. And the clients themselves could take part in these performances. The set scene is from the 1920 or 1930. And everything will be life, and this exactly is the interesting part for me. To be together with our clients in an imaginary world. A world where everybody feels comfortable like at home and which will be a mixture of different elements.”

Except in Greece he could also live in:

„Argentina, Brazil, everywhere. However in Spain I would go without giving it a second thought. I have been there many times”.

About money:

„The money for me is just a mean. It is not so important for me to have houses or cars. I travel with a bicycle. I also have a motorcycle – a scooter which I also use to come to work”.

 About the Greek music:

“We will never play contemporary Greek music here. There is very nice Greek music, however its starts at the end of the 50s. It brings in it a special type of sound. The contemporary Greek music, especially the one in the taverns does not inspire us. We have played here music from the 50s, Manolis Hiotis for example. However we are in the Balkan peninsula after all and more or less we all have this tavern music in us. You could see a great jazz performer at 3:00 o’clock at night standing and dancing on a table chifteteli… I think that each one of us brings inside the Balkan element. I am not against it and I do not criticize it.”


If he is outside the borders of Greece and hears Greek music:

„It won’t get to me so much. I will say to myself: Tavern music! Ha ha! And I would go on…”


 About where he takes his inspiration from for the café and in his life:

„Inside of me, I would say. This of course changes in the different periods of time”.


About where he sees himself and “Briki” 20 years from now:

„About the café I don’t know. For myself – having more tattoos, more piercing and a bit crazier than I am right now.”


He wishes for himself and to every Greek:

„To have good health as a whole and most of all in our heads. I see we need this. I see it in the people who are coming here to have a drink. Their inner world comes out from their soul. Their feelings are coming out as they are… The story of each one of us is different…”


Briki Bar

Dorileou 6, str., Mavili Square, Athens

Tel. 210 64 52 380


Tags: Briki Athens cafe music Alexandros Patrakis
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