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How to strengthen the "heart" of our relationship

03 November 2012 / 16:11:03  GRReporter
7578 reads


Ancient alchemists knew a great secret of nature - that life is maintained through continuous alternation of creation and destruction, through birth and death. This is the law of human existence - attraction and repulsion, connections and separations are interwoven in it. In the sphere of intimate relationships, this means that in order to maintain the life of the relationship between two people, the forces of attraction and repulsion must exist. There are three components in the relationship between two people: I, You and We. You and I are individual beings, while We is something else. It is called a relationship, a marriage, or some kind of relations. In order for We to exist, there needs to be a momentum between You and I. And this momentum is maintained only through continuous alternation of creation and destruction.

In today's article I will write about how the life of the relationship between two people is maintained, how to breathe life into "We". Unlike people, relationships have no physical heart in order to live independently. Have you ever listened to your heart's rhythm? A beat - a pause - a beat - a pause. The same thing is done by I and You to maintain the relationship between us - a beat and a pause; we attract each other and then we are repelled and attracted again, we gather and we break up. Connection and separation are two coexisting forces which are always balanced while a relationship exists. When these forces go out of balance, then the relationship dies - its heart stops.

As things often get lost in translation, I will explain what connection and separation represent. connection restores the general, the whole. Separation allows everyone to have their privacy as an individual, to let others deal with their individual interests and needs. Separation does not mean continuous conflicts and extremes. It is the need for freedom in a couple.

When a relationship is created between two people, each of them takes on a role. One has the priority task of creating the connection and the other - to create the separation. The one who plays the connecting part tries to do everything to preserve the integrity of the relationship. He or she makes efforts so that the two will stay together. He or she attracts and seduces the other through various things he or she likes. Therefore, he or she focuses on the things they have in common and the union between the two. The one who plays the separation part does the opposite - he or she keeps a distance in order to provide the necessary pause and therefore he or she focuses on the differences between the two.

Everyone has a built-in basic model the role of which he or she will instinctively strive for. Who are you in your relationships? Do you strive for connection or for separation?

Astrology calls the axis Ascendant-Descendant the axis of relationships. It symbolizes how others see us, it is our door through which we connect to the rest of the world. This is our physical existence with the others in the world. Through this axis and the planets associated with it we determine what type of a partnership we strive for. This includes our desired role when entering into relationships. This axis determines whether the relationships we have established can survive in a physical world, whether they can actually exist.

The planets ruling the signs, in which the axis Ascendant - Descendant is located, show us whether we tend to take the role of the connector of the separator in a relationship. If this is also confirmed by the relationship between the planets in our horoscope towards the planets in the horoscope of the partner, then the relationship has a physical chance of surviving. The basic rule is to find out what the relation is between the planets ruling the sign in which the Ascendant is located and the sign of the Descendant. Read about the Ascendant of your sign to identify those planets. Next, consider your personal horoscope according to the rules above.

Planets differ in their speed of orbital motion and when comparing two planets, the one is always slower compared to the other. Therefore we take it as a base, as if we hold it still. In this case it is important whether the faster planet recedes or approaches the slower one. So there are two options:

1. If the faster planet rules the Ascendant and along the motion of the signs (counter-clockwise), it recedes from the planet ruling the Descendant, then you tend to take the role of the separator. You expect the partners to do the connecting.

An example: Ascendant Taurus / Descendant Scorpio. The Ascendant is you and you are represented by Venus, which rules the sign Taurus. The Descendant is your partner, and he or she is represented by Mars. Venus is faster in its movement than Mars. So we need to find out whether Venus moves towards an opposition or a conjunct with Mars. In terms of the course of the signs, we see that it moves towards an opposition with Mars, which symbolizes separation. Therefore, you (Venus) seek separation and it is desirable that your partner will take on the role of the connector, so that the relationship can survive.

2. If the faster planet rules the Ascendant and along the motion of the signs (counter clockwise) it approaches the planet ruling the Descendant, then you tend to take on the role of the connector. You expect your partner to perform alienation and separation.

An example: Ascendant Taurus / Descendant Scorpio. The Ascendant is you and you are represented by Venus, which rules the sign Taurus. The Descendant is your partner, and he or she is represented by Mars. Venus is faster in its movement than Mars. So we need to find out whether Venus moves towards an opposition or a conjunct with Mars. In terms of the course of the signs, we see that it moves towards a conjunct with Mars, which symbolizes connection. Therefore, you (Venus) seek connection and it is desirable that your partner will take the role of the separator, so that the relationship can survive.

In these two examples the faster planet rules the Ascendant (that's you), so we first judge the role to which you aspire and then what role you expect from your partner. If the faster planet is the one that rules the Descendant (that's the partner) we do the opposite - first we need to understand what role you expect from your partner, then what role you want for yourself.

Only the planets up to Saturn are taken into consideration. The other three planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, since they are invisible to the naked human eye, can play a role only as a secondary factor in relation to the physical world and the physical realities of life. Therefore, I do not include them. Before I give you information about which planets "play" for you based on the sign of the Ascendant, I will mention a few words about what happens when both partners are naturally set to belong to the same type. Such relationships also happen. They can live as well, but they need an additional factor.

If you are both of the "connection" type, then a time comes in this relationship when you may be too squeezed for room. "We" starts gasping for breath because of lack of life-giving energy, there is no development and momentum and it gradually fades away. There is a need for a third person, some life circumstances that catalyze the separation of one of the two, so that the relationship won't die. For example, if the one travels often or is only able to find a job far away.

If you are both of the "separator" type, then this relationship comes to a point when you become too far away from each other. "We" falls apart because of the great distance. It needs some life circumstances or a third person to make the necessary connection in order to avoid the death of the relationship. For example, if you work together, the birth of a child or living with relatives. Of course, this factor alone is not sufficient to determine whether a relationship will survive and for how long. According to this factor it can be determined which role you prefer to take by instinct when entering a relationship.

The following information will tell you which planets represent you and your partner. I will indicate which is the faster planet, because the speed of movement of the planets is decisive in two ways. Firstly, it is associated with the "speed" at which you enter into a relationship - faster or more slowly. Secondly it gives us information regarding the relations of the two planets - whether they move towards separation (the point of opposition), or towards connection (the point of conjunct).

This information defines the role you aspire to when creating a relationship. This is your way of behaviour in any serious relationships: you either look for the common things through which you will maintain the relationship, or you seek the different things through which you will maintain everyone's freedom and privacy. When you can take on the desired role, the balance between the two forces is maintained much more easily and naturally, you are in a harmony with yourself.

If you have Ascendant Aries, then Mars is responsible for you and your behaviour in your individual horoscope. Accordingly, the Descendant falls within the sign Libra and Venus is responsible for your partner and what behaviour you expect of him/her.

Ascendant in the sign Aries

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Mars - Venus. You are represented by Mars (Ascendant) and your partner by Venus. The faster planet is Venus, so we take into consideration in what direction Venus moves towards Mars.

Ascendant in the sign Taurus

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Venus - Mars. You are represented by Venus (Ascendant), and your partner by Mars (Descendant). The faster planet is Venus, so we take into consideration in what direction Venus moves towards Mars.

Ascendant in the sign Gemini

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Mercury - Jupiter. You are represented by Mercury (Ascendant), and your partner by Jupiter (Descendant). The faster planet is Mercury so we take into consideration in what direction Mercury moves towards Jupiter.

Ascendant in the sign Cancer

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Moon - Saturn. You are represented by the Moon (Ascendant), and your partner by Saturn (Descendant). The faster planet is the Moon so we take into consideration in what direction the Moon moves towards Saturn.

Ascendant in the sign Leo

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is the Sun - Saturn. You are represented by the Sun (Ascendant), and your partner by Saturn (Descendant). The faster planet is the Sun, so we take into consideration in what direction the Sun moves towards Saturn.

Ascendant in the sign Virgo

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Mercury - Jupiter. You are represented by Mercury (Ascendant), and your partner by Jupiter (Descendant). The faster planet is Mercury so we take into consideration in what direction Mercury moves towards Jupiter.

Ascendant in the sign Libra

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Venus - Mars. You are represented by Venus (Ascendant), and your partner by Mars (Descendant). The faster planet is Venus, so we take into consideration in what direction Venus moves towards Mars.

Ascendant in the sign Scorpio

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Mars - Venus. You are represented by Mars (Ascendant), and your partner by Venus (Descendant). The faster planet is Venus, so we take into consideration in what direction Venus moves towards Mars.

Ascendant in the sign Sagittarius

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Jupiter - Mercury. You are represented by Jupiter (Ascendant), and your partner by Mercury (Descendant). The faster planet is Mercury, so we take into consideration in what direction Mercury moves towards Jupiter.

Ascendant in the sign Capricorn

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Saturn - the Moon. You are represented by Saturn (Ascendant), and your partner by the Moon (Descendant). The faster planet is the Moon, so we take into consideration in what direction the Moon moves towards Saturn.

Ascendant in the sign Aquarius

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Saturn - the Sun. You are represented by Saturn (Ascendant), and your partner by the Sun (Descendant). The faster planet is the Sun, so we take into consideration in what direction the Sun moves towards Saturn.

Ascendant in the sign Pisces

The planetary pair, which is responsible for the distribution of roles in your relationship is Jupiter - Mercury. You are represented by Jupiter (Ascendant), and your partner by Mercury (Descendant). The faster planet is Mercury, so we take into consideration in what direction Mercury moves towards Jupiter.

Tags: relationship intimate relationships partner Axis Ascendant-Descendant Galy Astro school planets individual horoscope zodiac sign
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