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How people born under various zodiac signs are suitable for us

06 April 2013 / 12:04:53  GRReporter
8300 reads


Not so long ago, I spoke to a neighbour who mentioned: "Costas is a very good neighbour." A few minutes later, I imagined the sun signs under which they were born. And I thought that we interact with a lot of people born under various "signs" in our lives. We think that some of them are good if we meet them in certain areas and activities, but if we meet them in other areas, we think that they are bad, even awful. Costas, the neighbour, would probably not be considered in the same way if he was in another area of life - such as work, team or business, for example.

Today's article is about which zodiac signs we have the best synchrony with in various areas of life. If your zodiac sign is Gemini, and your best friend’s zodiac sign is Aries, this doesn’t mean that you will achieve the same harmony in business areas and work as in friendship. Too often, deep and lasting friendships are broken because people decide to do business together. Too often, splendid and collegial working relationships deteriorate because people decide to create friendships as well. Too often, warm family relationships turn bitter because people decide to build a common house in order to live together. There are a lot of examples and not just negative ones. For example, you may not have such good harmony in your friendship with somebody, but your business partnerships with them may be perfect. Or vice versa, in a bad working environment, people create surprisingly beautiful friendships.

In our life, we are “destined” to meet people of all zodiac signs. Most astrological texts emphasise the principle - "This is good, that is bad." That is, they focus on only one aspect of life – which are the appropriate sun signs for you to have fun with and experience wonderful things in life. For example, it is common knowledge that Aries gets along with Leo and Sagittarius, and it is better to avoid relationships with Libra, Cancer and Capricorn. Actually, each zodiac sign is appropriate and good for you, but for certain types of activities. A person's Sun sign tells us in what way he or she is suitable for us. Therefore, there are various opinions for one and the same zodiac sign. If I now ask you "What would you say about Aries", I will surely hear various opinions ranging from "Hosanna" to "Crucify him." And what will be said about an Aries is highly dependent on nothing else but your zodiac sign.

The zodiacal circle, with all its twelve signs, is perfect. The fact that only a combination of all the signs makes it perfect should mean something. As usual, this thing is very simple: in order to live our life as complete beings, we need all the other eleven signs – some of them we work with, with others we have fun, a third group are our neighbours, and so on. There are twelve types of people who we meet on certain occasions and they give us various things, they "revive" some of our life areas and make us focus on them.

Read the information about each of the twelve types of people and see which zodiac sign fits in it, how and what suits you. Note, however, that our relations with others are almost never reciprocated. Reciprocity exists only in a single case. Therefore, if you want to know who you are for the other and in what way you are suitable for them, look at the sun sign of the person whom you are interested in. Furthermore, we do not readily go in certain areas of life, and the presence of certain people in our life may not always be pleasant, but it always has a meaning. Sometimes the "most difficult" people bring us the greatest benefit. Sometimes that cold and "terrible" Capricorn is exactly the person to whom we owe our professional career. Therefore, the information is of dual significance: Yes, a Capricorn in the life of an Aries may be intolerable, but he or she energises their career paths.

Type 1) The person who is my twin; the person in whom I see myself and we are the same in everything - good or bad. He or she always shares my opinion about everything. He or she is always on my "team". Sometimes it is terribly boring if I am alone with him or her, since it seems as if I am talking to myself. But there is full reciprocity between us. The person who I am, but in another body.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 2) The person with whom my purely physical and material survival is guaranteed – I will have food, blankets and shelter. My source of all resources – he or she charges me with energy and everything I need in order to live well. The person who takes care of me like my family did in my childhood. This is the person who makes me think about money and stimulates me to accumulate wealth. He or she is part of my material, financial and physical world.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 3) The person with whom I communicate best. He or she gives me a lot of information, good ideas, and stimulates me to learn and read. This is my best neighbour. The person who is like a brother or sister to me. He or she is always ready to chat with me and always tells me something interesting. He or she is one of the people who always hear - both literally and figuratively.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 4) The person whom I would have at home in the same way I would have my parents, and especially my mother. The person who creates safety and inner comfort (what I need in order to achieve these), it is easy for me to live with him or her and share the same space. The person who makes me think of home and family and its comfort. He or she is part of my "home" on this planet.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 5) The person who makes me enjoy life, have fun, play and create. He or she is an ideal companion in various shenanigans, the most faithful follower in everything. This is a person who is like a child to me - I love him or her wholeheartedly, even his or her mischiefs are entertaining for me. I forgive this person everything. He or she is part of my "children".

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 6) The person who almost immediately provokes me to serve, be useful and work to the maximum. He or she is my best mate / employee because he or she makes me compete with him or her. It doesn’t matter that we often fight against each other. They encourage me to live healthily, be organised, productive and effective and win battles of life. The person who makes me work and therefore I sometimes rebel against him. He or she is part of the people who "improve" me.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 7) The person who is my opposite. My perfect mirror, my best balancing element when my life lacks balance. He or she is good at things I am bad at, and vice versa, he or she is bad at things I am good at. He or she completes me in the most perfect way. He or she attracts me when he or she shows me my strengths in the "mirror" and strongly disgusts me when he or she shows me my bad sides in the "mirror". The person who I would like to like me the most. He or she is part of my partnerships.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 8) The person who is terribly mysterious, incomprehensible and irresistibly attracts my curiosity. If he or she is of the opposite sex, he or she is very sexy and provokes me sexually. I tell this person my secrets without understanding why. Sometimes I am afraid of him or her because he or she is associated with the most difficult events in my life or because I feel that he or she will make me change deeply without being aware of what the outcome of this change will be. He or she is part of my deep transformations, he or she purifies me.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 9) The person who becomes my faith and religion. He is my best teacher, my source of wisdom and enlightenment. The person who gives me a sense of meaning in life and leads me to my vocation. I want to travel with this person, to listen to him or her and follow him or her. The person who brings good luck and always gives me the best advice. As if I get the grace of God through him or her. He or she is part of my "meaning" on this earth.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 10) The person who makes me climb the social ladder of success. To seek status and respect in society, develop professionally and seek a career. He or she is always a very important person to me, with whose help I build my professional and social prestige. He or she is part of my climb to the top of my profession and career.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 11) The person who helps me make my dreams and hopes come true. He or she can provide me with the necessary support, brings me good social contacts and helps me in terms of what I want to win. The person who is my best friend and ally. The person in whose plans and projects I want to participate because he or she is one of my benefactors and patrons in life.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Type 12) The person with whom I run away from the daily routine and problems. He or she heals me, makes me relax, and enters through the back door of the most hidden parts of me which even I do not know, he or she awakens my fears, but also saves me from them. The person who makes me pass all personal boundaries and get out of my private "prison." He or she is my hell and heaven. He or she is part of my long journeys (physical and virtual), my fantasies, my escape from the pain and suffering, my sacrifices and charitable activities.

Look at the table to find out who this person is for you:

Tags: In what way each zodiac sign suits us Galy Astro school individual horoscope sun sign
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