Photos: Polina Spartyanova
Violina Marinova, CEO of DSK, Zorka Parvanova, the wife of the former President of the Republic of Bulgaria, Vera Gendovich, the wife of Baron Cyril Gendovich, Villi Markovska and others have been my customers for many years. Each of them has a unique style and the presentation of each dress and its textile always depend on the event and on its occasion. The good thing is that the designs for them involve a lot of creativity.

What range do you offer?
I hope that it will not sound immodest if I say that our range offers almost everything, starting from formal attire such as dresses for balls and cocktail parties to the design of small collections of corporate clothes, working clothes and uniforms at the request of specific customers.
Where did you present your collections?
I presented a large collection during the European fashion forum in Italy and there was a significant response to it. We presented our designs in Macedonia and Moscow and the feedback was very good again, but the problem is that the response fades away very quickly, if you cannot position yourself there and cannot present your work there. The great designers are able to open their own shops on site but, for us, it would be quite a big step.