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April seems to be a month of experiments

31 March 2013 / 19:03:12  GRReporter
6578 reads

For you, April is another good month to achieve good things in life. You are getting ready for a leap primarily in the professional sphere. There is a change in your social circle. Financially, you may take steps in order to make improvements in your life. The second half of the month brings you beneficial relations with others and a creation of new close contacts.

18 February to 3 March

In April, you will concentrate mainly on issues related to your family and its welfare and prosperity. Perhaps there will be developments in this respect; you will get help and support. Your working environment will bring you favourable events. The first half of April may bring news from home, children, possessions and property. The second half brings you success and good times in your intimate life and relationships with others. If you are single, you will have a chance for new relationships.

4 March to 16 March

April may bring you news in terms of the realisation of desires and dreams. Some of these may not be very nice, especially in the first half of the month. You will probably feel that are not receiving support from your environment, at least not the support you expect. The question of residence, home and possessions may be affected in the second half of the month. There may also be conflicts in your private life.

17 March to 30 March

For you, April is a very positive month. Relationships with others will be very productive and efficient. You can create good and useful partnerships - intimate and professional ones, and realise ambitions and make improvements in your life. You will get help and support at work. The first half of April could bring you more dynamics and some minor disappointments, but this is like salt for a good meal.

31 March to 12 April

April will make you focus on your social environment, relationships and contacts. You will be able to create new ones as well, but it will not happen without destroying some old ones. The atmosphere around you is not the best, since you will encounter some obstacles and get into conflict situations. They will bring you a certain amount of frustration and the need to seek other routes. The first half of April can bring you an impulse for a change in your appearance and image - a personal new beginning.

13 April to 26 April

April will be a positive month for you - a month to realise your ambitions, achieve security and stability. Especially in the second half, you will experience a new beginning, with long-term consequences – a change of home, changes in family, issues in terms of your children and personal creativity, a new environment. You may have to decide on relations with partners and affiliates, but towards an improvement and elaboration.

27 April to 10 May

April will be difficult for you, with a lot of barriers, obstacles and conflicts. There will be competition and a need for changes wherever you go. You will spend more money; losses and accidents may occur. These are bad days for any enterprise. But in contrast, you will enjoy care and support in your personal relationships and circle of friends. The last days of April will make you very attractive in your love life; the beginning of a relationship is possible.

11 May to 23 May

April may bring you revenues, prosperity and success, thanks to a promotion, empowerment or victory in a competition. But in the first 10 days you will have to fight, and that can bring you a lot of mental restlessness and loss of friends / partners at the expense of support from authority figures.

24 May to 6 June

A very important month for you – it is part of a new start in the long run. In terms of work, there will be a renewal. In the second half of the month you may expect an end of something and a start from scratch. You may experience a lot of movement and possible problems with loved ones. There will be a lot of work for you. Depending on your personal horoscope, it could be a change of professional positions, location or even country.

7 June to 20 June

April affects your prosperity and financial and material state - in fact, everything that creates you security and stability. This process is not new, it is just continuing. The first half of April could be a little uncomfortable, but the second brings efficiency and a successful completion of a problem. Nevertheless you may suffer losses in your love and personal life.

21 June to 4 July

April will see you concentrating on ideas, new ventures and opportunities associated with your professional environment. You are making significant and profound changes in this regard. This is a very personal period associated with career, partners and associates. The second half of April brings an end to something. You will encounter hostility and conflicts, a need to look for ways out. The last days will bring you p[leasant relations in your private life.

5 July to 18 July

April will bring you slightly uncomfortable and distressing atmosphere. You will encounter situations that are unsatisfactory and you will need to accept changes. You can expect some type of restrictions in your social circle; conflicts are not excluded either. In terms of your professional environment, you may expect possible surprises and unexpected twists. The second half of the month is related to the creation of stability at home, children and possessions. You may experience some losses.

19 July to 1 August

Tags: Astrological prognosis for April Galy partial lunar eclipse Astro school horoscopes zodiac signs
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