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The supreme prosecutor's office launches a preliminary investigation against Yanis Varoufakis

29 July 2015 / 11:07:09  GRReporter
2015 reads

Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Euterpe Koutzamani has ordered the launch of a preliminary investigation in connection with the plan B developed by the former Minister of Finance and his working group. A first instance prosecutor will investigate not Yanis Varoufakis himself, as the law on the responsibility of ministers prevents the judicial authorities from doing so, but the other persons who were involved in the development of the plan to introduce another currency.

Meanwhile, in compliance with the provisions of the law on the responsibility of ministers, the prosecutor of the Supreme Court (Areopagus) has sent to parliament the two claims for treason that have been recently filed against Yanis Varoufakis, namely the claims of Stilida mayor Apostolos Gletsos and lawyer Panagiotis Giannopoulos.

Having received the claims and being the only competent institution for this, parliament will decide whether to launch an investigation into the actions of the former Minister of Finance and how it will be carried out (by a parliamentary investigation commission or in another way).

Another claim that five lawyers submitted to the prosecutor’s office in the Areopagus yesterday and that describes criminal acts in violation of the law on personal data, violations committed during the performance of official duties, violations of the legislation on monetary policy and more, including the creation of a conspiracy and criminal group has initiated the investigation.

To recall that Secretary General for Revenue at the Greek Ministry of Finance Catherine Sawaidou has ordered an urgent internal investigation of the responsibility of Michalis Hatzitheodorou. He is Yanis Varoufakis’ childhood friend and information systems professor at the American University of Colombia, whom the former Minister of Finance appointed Secretary for Information Services. It was Hatzitheodorou who developed the scheme to hack the tax records of Greeks on his personal laptop and explained it to Varoufakis as admitted by the latter before the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, the sound recording of which GRReporter published two days ago.

The second claim against the former Minister of Finance has been filed again by lawyer Panagiotis Giannopoulos and it will be sent to parliament in the coming days.

In turn, four MPs of New Democracy, including former Minister of Justice and prosecutor Charalambos Athanasiou have submitted a request calling for the urgent hearing of Yanis Varoufakis by members of the commission on the memoranda for financial assistance.

They insist on clarifying "if the Prime Minister and the government were aware of the actions of the former Minister of Finance and to what extent." In their letter, the MPs stress that the plan B drawn up by Varoufakis and his collaborators aimed at establishing a parallel banking system, "which would operate with euro first but had the potential of becoming a harbinger of the drachma."

According to the Greek media, it is expected that the receipt of the first two claims against Varoufakis will be announced at the first meeting of the plenum of Greek parliament this week, which will take place on Thursday. Subsequently the deputies will consider and discuss them, and the party headquarters will decide whether they will submit a request for a further investigation of the case.

Tags: PoliticsProsecutor of the Supreme CourtPreliminary investigationYanis VaroufakisPlan BTreasonNew claimsResponsibility of nonpolitical personsMPs of New Democracy
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